Latihan Soal UAS semester Ganjil Kelas IX
Negara Maju dan Berkembang
1. Yang tidak termasuk ciri-ciri negara maju adalah ….
a. tergantung pada keadaan alam
b. tingkat pendidikan tinggi
c. tingkat pendapatan tinggi
d. teknologinya modern
2. Yang termasuk ciri-ciri negara berkembang adalah ….
a. Ketergantungan pada sumber daya alam tinggi
b. tingkat pendidikan tinggi
c. tingkat pendapatan tinggi
d. teknologinya modern
3. Masalah kependudukan yang dialami negara berkembang, kecuali ... .
a. laju pertumbuhan penduduknya tinggi
b. persebaran penduduk tidak merata
c. ekspornya berupa barang mentah
d. tingginya angka beban tanggungan
4. Berikut merupakan ciri-ciri negara maju, kecuali ... .
a. pendapatan perkapita masyarakatnya tinggi
b. pertumbuhan penduduk tinggi
c. pertumbuhan ekonomi tinggi
d. kualitas penduduk tinggi
5. Salah satu ciri masyarakat tradisional adalah ... .
a. kegiatan ekonomi berorientasi pasar
b. kegiatan ekonomi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sendiri
c. telah melakukan ekspor impor
d. munculnya peran jasa dalam perdagangan
6. Rendahnya pendapatan perkapita terkait dengan hal-hal berikut, kecuali ... .
a. minimnya ketersediaan sumber-sumber alam
b. rendahnya tingkat pendidikan
c. tingginya angka kemiskinan dan pengangguran
d. tingginya angka beban ketergantungan
7. Sebagai negara yang menganut paham ekonomi kapitalis dan perdagangan bebas, Amerika Serikat menjalin hubungan dagang dengan hampir semua negara di dunia. Berikut ini yang bukan termasuk komoditas ekspor negara AS adalah ... .
a. mesin-mesin otomotif
b. persenjataan
c. bahan-bahan baku industri
d. bahan-bahan kimia
8. Salah satu ciri negara-negara berkembang adalah produksi masyarakat- nya masih didominasi barang-barang primer, hal ini dikarenakan ... .
a. keterbatasan fasilitas umum
b. kualitas penduduk masih rendah
c. miskin kekayaan alam
d. sebagian besar penduduk bercorak agraris
9. Pada umumnya, sektor industri yang dikembangkan di negara-negara berkembang adalah industri yang bersifat padat karya. Hal tersebut dikarenakan alasan ... .
a. modal yang kurang
b. kemajuan teknologi
c. penduduk yang banyak
d. tingkat pendidikan yang rendah
Perubahan Sosial Budaya
10. Berikut ini merupakan sebab-sebab intern terjadinya perubahan sosial budaya, kecuali ... .
a. adanya peperangan
b. adanya penemuan-penemuan baru yang berkembang di masyarakat
c. terjadinya pemberontakan atau revolusi
d. adanya dinamika penduduk
11. Adanya bencana alam dapat mendorong terjadinya perubahan sosial dalam masyarakat karena ... .
a. bencana alam terkadang memaksa seseorang untuk mengungsi dan beradaptasi dengan tempat baru dipengungsian
b. adanya bencana alam akan mengurangi jumlah penduduk
c. bencana alam mendorong orang lain untuk bersimpati
d. bencana alam berpotensi menimbulkan konflik dalam masyarakat
12. Komputerisasi di bidang ekonomi perbankan yang berdampak pada pengangguran karyawan dimaksudkan untuk mempertinggi efisiensi kerja. Pada dasarnya modernisasi dengan komputerisasi tersebut bertujuan ... .
a. memanfaatkan teknologi maju
b. memanfaatkan manajemen modern
c. meningkatkan produktifitas kerja
d. meningkatkan keterampilan karyawan
13. Proses bertemunya dua kebudayaan atau lebih yang saling bercampur menjadi satu disebut ... .
a. asimilasi budaya
b. akulturasi budaya
c. difusi budaya
d. disintegrasi budaya
14. Pada saat pemerintah berencana menaikkan tarif listrik, masyarakat mengadakan protes, ini menandakan bahwa ...
a. masyarakat menolak perubahan
b. masyarakat menghendaki penundaan
c. masyarakat setuju perubahan
d. masyarakat tidak peduli
15. Munculnya bentuk-bentuk penyimpangan sosial baru yang lebih kompleks merupakan dampak negatif dari ... .
a. pertambahan penduduk
b. migrasi penduduk
c. kemajuan di bidang pendidikan
d. perubahan sosial budaya
16. Sebagai pelajar sebaiknya kita menyikapi segala bentuk perubahan sosial dan budaya dengan sikap ... .
a. apriori terhadap segala bentuk pengaruh perubahan
b. menerima setiap perubahan tanpa terkecuali
c. masa bodoh terhadap setiap pengaruh perubahan
d. kritis dan terbuka dengan memfilter segala bentuk perubahan
17. Dampak perubahan budaya yang bersifat negatif adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali ....
a. pola hidup yang selalu konsumtif
b. perubahan nilai dan sikap
c. sikap individualistik
d. kesenjangan sosial
18. Sikap hidup dengan membelanjakan uang untuk membeli barang yang tidak diperlukan disebut ....
a. materialistic
b. individualistic
c. konsumtif
d. kesenjangan sosial
19. Berikut ini yang termasuk faktor penghambat perubahan sosial dan budaya adalah ....
a. adanya kepentingan yang telah tertanam kuat dalam masyarakat
b. orientasi ke masa depan
c. penduduk yang heterogen atau bermacam-macam
d. toleransi terhadap perbuatan yang menyimpang
20. Salah satu contoh sikap positif terhadap pengaruh perubahan sosial budaya adalah..
a. antisipatif
b. curiga
c. apatis
d. tidak insiatif
21. Perilaku seseorang yang kebarat-baratan disebut juga..
a. Anomie
b. Culture Lag
c. Westernisasi
d. adaptif
22. Pengakuan, penerimaan dan penerapan penemuan baru disebut..
a. discovery
b. invention
c. behavior
d. innovation
23. Perubahan evolusi terjadi secara..
a. Cepat
b. Lambat
c. Progresif
d. Perubahan
24. Contoh perubahan yang direncanakan adalah..
a. Perubahan tata letak kota
b. Urbanisasi
c. Sumbangan sukarela
d. rekreasi
25. I. Adanya penemuan baru
II. Terjadinya revolusi
III. Bencana Alam
IV. Bertambahnya jumlah penduduk
V. Culture animosity
VI. Terjadinya perang
Yang termasuk faktor internal terjadinya perubahan social budaya adalah..
a. I, II, III
b. II, V, VI
c. III, IV, V
d. I, II, IV
Jangan lupa belajar dari Cakrawala juga yaa
goodluck rexasta!! semoga gak ada yang remed IPS yaa.. amiin
reach for the sky -woody
Read on and you'll know (almost) everything about me :)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Latihan Soal UAS 1-IX: Sejarah
Latihan Soal UAS Semester Ganjil kelas IX
Perang Dunia I
1. Yang termasuk negara Triple Entente adalah..
a. Swedia
b. Inggris
c. Jerman
d. Belanda
2. Penyebab langsung/khusus Perang Dunia II adalah..
a. Persaingan ekonomi antar negara eropa
b. Pembentukan aliansi-aliansi militer
c. Terbunuhnya Franz Ferdinand
d. Keinginan bangsa Slavia untuk melepas diri dari penjajahan
3. Perjanjian Versailles dilakukan untuk mengakhiri jalannya Perang Dunia I. Yang merupakan isi perjanjian tersebut dibawah ini, kecuali..
a. Rheinland diduduki sekutu selama 15 tahun
b. Kapal dagan Jerman diserahkan ke inggris
c. Terjadinya Lebensraum untuk mewujudkan Jerman Raya
d. Jerman menanngung biaya ganti rugi perang
4. Salah satu dampak sosial yang muncul akibat Perang Dunia I..
a. Munculnya negara-negara totalitarian
b. Krisis ekonomi dunia
c. Munculnya negara-negara baru di timur tengah
d. Munculnya keinginan untuk memelihara perdamaian
5. Salah satu komandan perang dari Front Jerman saat Perang Dunia I adalah..
a. George Clemenceau
b. Von Moltke
c. Joseph Pershing
d. Charles de Gaulle
Liga Bangsa-Bangsa
6. LBB didirikan pada tanggal 10 Januari 1920 dan berkedudukan di..
a. Locarno
b. Maatstricht
c. Jenewa
d. Vienna
7. Latar belakang dibentuknya LBB yaitu..
a. Usulan presiden AS untuk mengakhiri Perang Dunia I
b. Merealisasikan rencana perdamaian dunia
c. Menghindari perang
d. Sarana untuk melakukan perjanjian-perjanjian internasionala
8. Berikut adalah badan-badan yang ada dalam LBB, kecuali
a. Sekretariat Tetap
b. Dewan Keamanan
c. Sidang Umum
d. Dewan Ekonomi dan Sosial
9. Yang termasuk isi perjanjian Kellog Briand yang dirancang oleh Frank Billing Kellog dan Ariside Briand adalah..
a. Jerman menjadi anggota LBB
b. Anggota LBB harus menaati seluruh keputusa LBB
c. AS tidak menjadi anggota LBB karena terikan Monroe Doctrine
d. Jerman menyelesaikan segala perselisihan secara damai
10. Yang termasuk faktor gagalnya organisasi LBB adalah, kecuali..
a. Tidak adanya peraturan yang mengikat/keras
b. Berpihak pada negara-negara besar
c. Italia menyerbu Libya dan Ethiopia
d. Pelajaran dalam berorganisasi
Perang Dunia II
11. I. Kegagalan LBB
II. Adanya Revancheidee (politik balas dendam)
III. Jepang menyerang Pearl Harbor, Amerika
IV. Beberapa tindakan Jerman yang ditentang pendukung LBB
V. Munculnya dictator dan negara-negara totalitarian
VI. Jerman menyerang Polandia
Yang termasuk penyebab tidak langsung (umum) terjadinya perang Dunia II adalah..
a. I, V, VI
b. III, IV, VI
c. I, II, IV
d. I, II, V
12. Negara-negara yang termasuk blok poros antara lain..
a. Jerman, inggris, Norwegia
b. Jepang, Denmark, Italia
c. Prancis, Uni Soviet, Jerman
d. Italia, Jepang, Jerman
13. Faham yang mengutamakan kepentingan seuluruhnya untu negara, partai dan militer daripada kepentingan perseorangan adalah..
a. Totalitarisme
b. Individualism
c. Kapitalisme
d. Nasionalisme
14. Akibat nyata dari PD II yang dirasakan umat manusia adalah..
a. Kemenangan nrgara-negara yang memiliki persenjataan kuat dan modern
b. Kehancuran dan kemisikinan yang mengakibatkna krisis dunia
c. Negara-negara yang kalah dama perang dipermalukan
d. Tampilnya negara-negara sekutu sebagai penjaga perdamaian dunia
15. Pemimpin tentara AS dalam PD II di front Afrika dan Eropa adalah..
a. George Himmler
b. Condolezza Rice
c. Teer Poorten
d. Dwight Eisenhower
16. Negara-negara yang terlibat dalam PD II di front pasifik adalah..
a. Jerman melawan Prancis
b. Italia melawan Belanda
c. Inggris melawan Jerman
d. Jepang melawan Amerika Serikat
17. Berakhirnya PD II ditandai dengan adanya pertemuan di kapal Missouri milik AS yang merupakan perjanjian antara Sekutu dengan..
a. Jepang
b. Perancis
c. Jerman
d. Inggris
18. Akibat PD II di bidang ekonomi dibuktikan dengan adanya persaingan bebas di negara Eropa, sehingga lahirlah sbeuah paham..
a. Imperialisme
b. Kapitalisme
c. Militerisme
d. Sosialisme
19. Yang bukan merupakan tokoh dictator dibawah ini adalah..
a. Benito Mussolini
b. Baron Tanaka
c. Heinrich Himmler
d. Adolf Hitler
20. Perhatikan beberapa pernyataan di bawah ini:
i. Merdekanya beberapa negara di Asia seperti India dan Indonesia
ii. Terbaginya system ekonomi di dunia
iii. Pembentukan LBB
iv. Terjadinya perang dingin antara USA dan Uni Soviet
Yang tidak termasuk dampak terjadinya PD II adalah..
a. i
b. ii
c. iii
d. iv
Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa
21. Pada tanggal berapa PBB dibentuk?
a. 1 Januari 1942
b. 26 Juni 1945
c. 24 Oktober 1945
d. 14 Agustus 1941
22. Latar belakang dibentuknya PBB adalah..
a. Berakhirnya Perang Dunia II
b. Keinginan negara untuk memperluas wilayah
c. Wujud penciptaan perdamaian dunia
d. Adanya Piagam PBB
23. Yang tidak termasuk tugas majelis umum PBB..
a. Menetapkan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja PBB
b. Memajukan berbagai macam kerjasama internasional
c. Mengadakan penyelidikan mengenai permasalahan ekonomi
d. Membantu pelaksanaan HAM
24. 5 negara anggota tetap pemegang hak veto yang tertera dibawah ini, kecuali..
a. Rusia
b. Cina
c. Inggris
d. Belanda
25. Salah satu tugas dewan keamanan PBB adalah..
a. Mengadakan pertemuan internasional
b. Mengambil tindakan terhadap negara yang mengancam negara lain
c. Membuat rencana perjanjian yang berkaitan dengan persoalan social
d. Memajukan kerjasama dan hukum internasional dalma bidang politik
Perjuangan Mempertahankan Kemerdekaan Indonesia
Pasukan AFNEI yang datang ke Indonesia tadinya hanya ditugaskan di Jawa & Sumatra. Tugas mereka:
1. Menerima penyerahan kekuasaan dari tangan Jepang
2. Membebaskan tentara sekutu yang ditahan Jepang
3. Melucuti dan mengumpulkan orang2 jepang untuk dipulangkan ke negaranya
Tapi mereka datang bareng tentara NICA, yang pengen ngambil alih Indonesia lagi. Mereka pun bergabung jadi satu untuk merebut Indonesia.
26. Tugas utama pasukan sekutu (AFNEI) di Indonesia adalah..
a. menjadi penengah perundingan antara Indonesia dan Jepang
b. Melucuti senjata tentara Jepang dan memlungkan ke negaranya
c. Mengambil alih kekuasaan jepang di Indonesia
d. Membantu belanda yang ingin berkuasa kembali di Indonesia
27. Penyebab utama peristiwa Bandung Lautan Api adalah..
a. Pembakaran bendera merah putih oleh tentara sekutu
b. Tertembaknya salah seorang pemuda oleh tentara sekutu
c. Ultimatum tentara belanda tentang pengosongan bandung utara
d. Ultimatum tentara sekutu yag melarang orang indonesia bersenjata di bandung utara
28. Pasukan sekutu datang ke Indonesia dipimpin oleh
a. Jenderal Mallaby
b. H.J. Van Mook
c. Jenderal Sir Philip Chriyison
d. T.E.D Kelly
29. Pertempuran yang terjadi di Kalisosok, Surabaya yang sekarang diperingati sebagai hari pahlawan, diakhiri dengan gencatan senjata saat sekutu menduduki Gedung Internatio dan tewas tertembaknya salah satu tokoh, yaitu..
a. R.C. Mansergh
b. T.E.D. Kelly
c. A.W.S Mallaby
d. W.R. Patterson
30. Istilah Medan Area berasal dari..
a. Nama tempat terjadinya pertempuran di Medan
b. Tulisan pada papan pembatas yang dipasang sekutu
c. Nama pasukan dan pemuda medan
d. Nama sebuah laskar pimpinan Ahmad Taber
31. Berdasarkan perundingan Linggarjati secara de facto, wilayah Republik Indonesia meliputi..
a. Jawa, Sumatera, dan Madura
b. Jawa, Bali, dan Sumatera
c. Jawa, Madura dan Bali
d. Jawa, Kalimantan dan Sumatera
32. Munculnya istilah garis Van Mook adalah hasil dari perundingan…
a. Linggarjati
b. Renville
c. Roem-Royen
d. Konferensi Meja Bundar
33. Intisari hasil perundingan Renville adalah..
a. Penghentian tembak menembak antara Indo-Belanda
b. Pembatasan wilayah Indonesia
c. Pembentukan Uni Indonesia-Belanda
d. Pengakuan kedaulatan Indonesia
34. Indonesia menggunakan strategi …… untuk melawan Belanda dalam Agresi Militer Belanda II
a. Gerilya
b. Gelora
c. Sebar
d. Margarana
35. Agresi Militer Belanda I (Belanda menyerang Jawa dan Sumatera) merupakan bukti pelanggaran perundingan..
a. Linggarjati
b. Renville
c. Roem-Royen
d. Inter-Indonesia
Demokrasi Liberal
36. Kabinet pertama yang dibentuk setelah Indonesia kembali ke bentuk negara kesatuan adalah.
a. Kabinet Sukimsn
b. Kabinet Natsir
c. Kabinet Ali Satroamijoyo
d. Kabinet Wilopo
37. Partai yang termasuk 4 pemenang dalam pemilu pertama adalah..
a. Masyumi, PSI, PSII, dan PNI
b. PNI, Masyumi, PSI dan NU
c. NU, IPKI, PKI, dan PSII
d. PNI, Masyumi, NU, dan PKI
38. Indonesia secara resmi masuk menjadi anggota PBB pada masa cabinet
a. Juanda
b. Sukiman
c. Wilopo
d. Natsir
39. Penyebab Dewan Konstituante tidak berhasil membuat UUD baru adalah..
a. Munculnya berbagai pemberontakan di daerah
b. Terlalu besarnya campur tangan pemerintah
c. Semakin tajamnya perbedaan pendapat antar anggota
d. Menonjolnya kepentingan partai daripada kepentingan nasional
40. Penyelenggaraan Konferensi Asia Afrika pad atahun 1955 dilakukan pada masa kabinet..
a. Burhanuddin Harahap
b. Ali Satroamijoyo I
c. Wilopo
d. Juanda
41. Isi Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959 antara lain..
a. Pembubaran DPR
b. Dibentuknya Front Nasional
c. Diberlakukannya Sistem Ekonomi Terpimpin
d. Berlaku kembali UUD 1945
Demokrasi Terpimpin
42. Program Kabinet Kerja yang dibentuk oleh presiden Soekarno disebut..
a. Trikarya
b. Triprogram
c. Pancakrida
d. Pancakarya
43. Penyebab adanya jabatan menteri pertama pada masa demokrasi terpimpin adalah..
a. Ketidakmampuan presiden untuk memimpin kabinet
b. Terlalu sering diadakan reshuffle
c. Mundurnya M. Hatta dari jabatan wakil presiden
d. Kekuasaan dalam kabinet yang tidak stabil
44. Tugas DPR-GR yang dibentuk oleh presiden Soekarno yaitu, kecuali…
a. Merealisasikan amanat penderitaan rakyat
b. Menyelesaikan revolusi nasional
c. Melaksanakan Manipol
d. Melaksanakan demokrasi terpimpin
45. Ajaran Nasakom yang diprakarsai oleh Soekarno memiliki dasar pemikiran untuk mempersatukan seluruh kekuatan politik masyarakat dalam demokrasi terpimpin. Ajaran tersebut berintikan tiga kekuatan, kecuali..
a. Agama diwakili oleh NU
b. Nasionalis diwakili PNI
c. Komunis diwakili PKI
d. Pembangunan diwakili PNI
Perkembangan Ekonomi Indonesia 1965
46. Kebijakan ekonomi selama Kabinet Natsir yang bertujuan untuk membantu pengusaha pribumi dengan memberikan kredit dan bimbingan konkret disebut..
a. Program Finek
b. Program Benteng
c. Sanering
d. Ali-Baba
47. Sistem Ekonomi Ali-Baba diperkenalkan pada masa pemerintahan kabinet..
a. Ali Sastroamioyo I
b. Ali Sastroamijoyo II
c. Juanda
d. Burhanuddin Harahap
48. Penyebab jatuhnya perekonomian Indonesia pada awal kemerdekaan adalah sebgai berikut, kecuali..
a. Tingkat inflasi yang tinggi
b. Blokade Ekonomi oleh Belanda
c. Pengurasan ekonomi dan sumber daya selama penduudkan jepang
d. Perekonomian Indonesia dikuasai pribumi
49. Nasionalisasi atau pengambilalihan De Javasche Bank berlangsung pada masa kabinet…
a. Sukiman
b. Wilopo
c. Ali Sastroamijoyo I
d. Natsir
50. Kebijakan ekonomi berupa pemotongan nilai mata uang yang dilaksanakan oleh Syafruddin Prawiranegara disebut juga…
a. Benteng
b. Sanering
c. Finek
d. Ali-Baba
Pembebasan Irian Barat
51. Menurut Rencana Bunker, Belanda akan menyerahkan Irian Barat melalui…
a. Pepera
b. Dewan Papua
52. Pernyataan yang merupakan salah satu isi dari Rencana Bunker adalah..
a. Angkatan perang Belanda akan ditarik kembali ke nagerinya
b. Bendera Indonesia dikibarkan di Irba mulai 16 Desember 1962
c. Rakyat Irba berhak menentukan pendapatnya mengenai kedudukan Irian barat
d. Indonesia akan menerima Irian Barat selambat-lambatnya 1 Mei 1963
53. Trikora, antara lain berisi..
a. Pembentukam pemerintahan sementara dan pembentukan Dewan Papua
b. Kibarkan Sang Merah Putih di Irian Barat dan pembentukan pemerintahan sementara
c. Pembentukan Dewan Papua dan bersiap untuk mobilisasi umum
d. Gagalkan pembentukan negra Papua dan kibarkan Sang Merah Putih di Irian Barat.
54. Perjanjian New York ditandatangani pada tanggal…
a. 18 Agustus 1962
b. 17 Agustus 1962
c. 16 Agustus 1962
d. 15 Agustus 1962
55. Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan perjuangan diplomasi dalam pembebasan Irian Barat adalah…
a. Perundingan antara Anak Agung dan Luns di Den Haag
b. Pembentukan pemerintahan selemntara di Soasiu
c. Pelaksanaan serangan terbuka terhadap kedudukan Belanda di Irba
d. Pengusulan di forum PBB agar masalah Irba dibahas dalam Sidang Umum
Pergolakan dalam negeri
56. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tindakan yang diambil PKI untuk memperkuat diri, kecuali..
a. Mendukung dan mengirim sukarelawan saat konfrontasi Malaysia
b. Melakukan sabotase pada masyarakat
c. Melakukan aksi sepihak dengan mebagikan tanah pada petani
d. Mungusulkan pembentukan Angkatan Kelima
57. Daerah yang tidak menjadi tempat penyebaran DI/TII
a. Sulawesi Selatan
b. Surabaya
c. Jawa Tengah
d. Kalimantan Selatan
58. Pemberontakan PKI di Madiun tahun 1948 dipimpin oleh..
a. Musso dan Syafruddin Prawiranegara
b. Sultan Hamid II dan Musso
c. Musso dan Amir Syarifuddin
d. Sultan Hamid II dan Amir Syarifuddin
59. Gerakan DI/TII pimpinan Amir Fatah semakin kuat setelah bergabungnya..
a. Batalyon Lemah :antang dan Batalyon 462
b. Batalyon Khimayatul Islam dan Batalyon 462
c. Angkatan Umat Islam (AUI) dan Batalyon 328
d. Angkatan Umat Islam (AUI) dan Batalyon 462
60. Munculnya pemberontakan DI/TII disebabkan oleh..
a. Ketidakpuasan terhadap isi perjanjian Renville
b. Keinginan untuk mengubah negara RI menjadi NII
c. Tidak mau mengikuti pemerintah RI melakukan hijrah
d. Keinginan untuk mempertahankan wilayah Jawa Barat
61. Yang bukan negara federal bentukan Belanda adalah..
a. Negara Indonesia Timur
b. Negara Jawa Tengah
c. Negara Pasundan
d. Negara Sumatera Timur
62. Pemberontakan DI/TII di Kalimantan Selatan dipimpin oleh..
a. Daud Beureuh
b. Mafudz Abdurrachman
c. Ibnu Hajar
d. Kartosuwiryo
63. Salah satu upaya menumpas pemberontakan APRA adalah..
a. Mendatangkan kesatuan polisi dari luar Bandung
b. Melindungi Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX
c. Operasi Pagar Betis dan Baratayudha
d. Operasi 17 Agustus
64. Pelopor Pemberontakan Permesta adalah..
a. Syafruddin Prawiranegara
b. Ventje Sumual
c. Achmad HUsein
d. Mr. Budiarjo
65. Setelah proklamasi dari Achmad Husein tentang beridinya Pemerintah Revolusioner RI (PRRI), pemerintah melakukan penumpasa dengan melakukan operasi….
a. Merdeka
c. 17 Agustus
Peristiwa G30S PKI
66. Pemimpin formal G30S PKI di Jakarta adalah…
a. Lettu Dul Arief
b. Letkol Untung
c. Kapten Suradi
d. D.N. Aidit
67. Berikut ini beberapa tindakan PKI sebelum peristiwa G30S PKI..
a. Melancarkan strategi kerja di wilayah lawan
b. Membentuk Kesatuan Aksi Buruh Indonesia
c. Menyebarkan isu adanya Dewan Jenderal
d. Mengusulkan pembentukan Angkatan Kelima
68. Perhatikan nama-nama dibawah ini
I. Soeprapto
II. M.T. Haryono
III. S. Parman
IV. A.H. Nasution
V. Soeharto
VI. D.N. Aidit
VII. Pierre Tendean
Berdasarkan data diatas, yang menjadi korban peristiwa G30S PKI adalah..
69. Pembagian pasukan G30S PKI tertera dibawah ini, kecuali..
a. Pringgodani
b. Gatotkaca
c. Ratu Adil
d. Pasopati
70. Dampak dari G30S PKI, kecuali…
a. Demonstrasi besar-besaran dan penyeruan Tritura
b. Pengeluaran Supersemar
c. Pembersihan kabinet serta unsur-unsur PKI
d. Kenaikan harga (ekonomi)
NO. 27: isi ultimatum dari sekutu (peristiwa bandung lautan api) ada 2 yaitu
1. Rakyat dan pemuda harus menyerahkan tentara yang direbut dari jepang
2. Bandung utara harus dikosongkan dari orang2 RI paling lambat tanggal 29 Nov. 1945
NO. 66: Pemimpin gerakannya, bukan pemimpin organisasi PKI-nya
NO. 70: halaman 65 Mandiri Sejarah (bag. Awal)
GOODLUCK ALL!! Maaf ya kebanyakan soalnya…. Semoga membantu dan ada beberapa yang keluar entar, haha. Goodluck REX!!
Sumber materi dan referensi :
- Sejarah Kelas 9 (Erlangga)
- Mandiri IPS Sejarah (Erlangga)
- Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu (Platinum)
- Rangkumannya Rifaa
Click below to see:
Latihan soal Geografi
Monday, November 26, 2012
Pizza dough recipe!
• 500 g bread flour
• ½ tbsp sea salt
• ½ tsp ground black pepper
• 1x7g dried yeast
• ½ tbsp clear honey
• 2 tbsp virgin olive oil
• 325 ml warm water
• A bowl
• A glass/measuring jug
• Oven tin
• Oven
• Spoon
• Fork
1. In a jug, mix the yeast into the water and leave for a few minutes
2. Sieve the flour/s, salt and pepper on to a clean work surface and make a well (circle) in the middle.
3. Add the honey and olive oil into the yeast mixture. Then pour into the ‘flour well’. Using a fork, bring the flour in gradually from the sides and swirl it into the liquid. Keep mixing, drawing larger amounts of flour in, and when it all starts to come together, work the rest of the flour in with your clean, flour-dusted hands. Knead until you have a smooth, springy dough.
4. Place the ball of dough in a large flour-dusted bowl and flour the top of it. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place in a warm room for about an hour until the dough has doubled in size.
5. After covering the dough for about an hour, take the dough out of the bowl and cover your work surface with some flour. Knead the dough again to push the air out of it.
6. After kneading the dough, shape it into a ball with your hands. Then, prepare the oven tin. Powder the oven tin with some flour
7. Put the dough on the oven tin and push it with your hands into a shape that you want on top of it (the oven tin). It doesn’t have to be a round shape.
8. Pour some olive oil & tomato sauce on top of the dough, spread it out. Then, put some toppings on top of it (cheese, mushroom, beef, etc.). Put it into the oven.
9. After about 12-15 minutes, your pizza is ready. Leave it for a dew minutes to cool down before eating.
• 500 g bread flour
• ½ tbsp sea salt
• ½ tsp ground black pepper
• 1x7g dried yeast
• ½ tbsp clear honey
• 2 tbsp virgin olive oil
• 325 ml warm water
• A bowl
• A glass/measuring jug
• Oven tin
• Oven
• Spoon
• Fork
1. In a jug, mix the yeast into the water and leave for a few minutes
2. Sieve the flour/s, salt and pepper on to a clean work surface and make a well (circle) in the middle.
3. Add the honey and olive oil into the yeast mixture. Then pour into the ‘flour well’. Using a fork, bring the flour in gradually from the sides and swirl it into the liquid. Keep mixing, drawing larger amounts of flour in, and when it all starts to come together, work the rest of the flour in with your clean, flour-dusted hands. Knead until you have a smooth, springy dough.
4. Place the ball of dough in a large flour-dusted bowl and flour the top of it. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place in a warm room for about an hour until the dough has doubled in size.
5. After covering the dough for about an hour, take the dough out of the bowl and cover your work surface with some flour. Knead the dough again to push the air out of it.
6. After kneading the dough, shape it into a ball with your hands. Then, prepare the oven tin. Powder the oven tin with some flour
7. Put the dough on the oven tin and push it with your hands into a shape that you want on top of it (the oven tin). It doesn’t have to be a round shape.
8. Pour some olive oil & tomato sauce on top of the dough, spread it out. Then, put some toppings on top of it (cheese, mushroom, beef, etc.). Put it into the oven.
9. After about 12-15 minutes, your pizza is ready. Leave it for a dew minutes to cool down before eating.
Friday, October 12, 2012
What is freedom? And other random rants.
it's been a while since i wrote. GUESS WHAT? our mid-semester exam is over!!! but you know, the journey remains, long and hard. still a few months to go until it all ends. until 9th grade ends. but you know what, i just wanna enjoy it. stress-free enjoyment is the best thing right?
unfortunately at Labsky, there's no stress-free day. so i just gotta live with it. so many assignments, so little time. deadlines chasing us faster. and time wouldn't make amends. it keeps chasing us. so, no time to relax. just gotta ride the bus on that highway. and that highway is life.
i believe that freedom does exist. but it's not that close to me right now. i'm not even free of school, or tests, or assignments. let alone free to do what i want to do. so what is freedom, really?
No idea.
I just wanna rant about life right now. Why is life so hard on us? it's like every time i take a step forward, something always holds me back. i don't know what. but i feel, on the worst days, that it just get stronger. i don't really care if nobody understands this. i just wanna let my feelings out.
And now.. for some nonsense
WHY IS EDUCATION SO HARD TO TAKE IN? school is hard, and it's getting harder by the second. as a 9th grader in Indonesia, 9th grade still counts as middle-school. unlike in other countries. middle school starts from 6th grade and ends in 8th grade. while high school starts at 9th grade. it's not like that here. the curriculum is harder. in 8th grade students already learned things that should've been taught in the 10th grade (in other countries). why is the government so hard on us? we don't want that. i know every country needs smart people to lead it, but i think, that's not the way to do it. if you force things, hard things, like study materials that are cramped into our brains like this, it wouldn't stay long. we would come to hate it. and i'm sure nobody wants that. so please, just take it easy on us :)
Besides, if students didn't understand the studies, what use does it make? nothing, of course. in a test, what do you think students would do if they can't answer a question? think about what comes to mind first. in a desperate time, a critical time. when you needed an answer to a very important quiz, or exam, or whatever you want to call it. let's just say... some people would CHEAT.
everybody has cheated, in a test or not. i know i have, once or twice. and I'm sure everybody has. if this becomes a habit, what would you do? we can't implant something into kids's brains. if this becomes a habit then, what would you do to erase it? erase that thought from our brain? How? and this does not happen to just children, teenagers too..
Okay.. now that i've let out my feelings, thank you. if you read this or not. Have a good day, and may the good wins :D
unfortunately at Labsky, there's no stress-free day. so i just gotta live with it. so many assignments, so little time. deadlines chasing us faster. and time wouldn't make amends. it keeps chasing us. so, no time to relax. just gotta ride the bus on that highway. and that highway is life.
i believe that freedom does exist. but it's not that close to me right now. i'm not even free of school, or tests, or assignments. let alone free to do what i want to do. so what is freedom, really?
No idea.
I just wanna rant about life right now. Why is life so hard on us? it's like every time i take a step forward, something always holds me back. i don't know what. but i feel, on the worst days, that it just get stronger. i don't really care if nobody understands this. i just wanna let my feelings out.
And now.. for some nonsense
WHY IS EDUCATION SO HARD TO TAKE IN? school is hard, and it's getting harder by the second. as a 9th grader in Indonesia, 9th grade still counts as middle-school. unlike in other countries. middle school starts from 6th grade and ends in 8th grade. while high school starts at 9th grade. it's not like that here. the curriculum is harder. in 8th grade students already learned things that should've been taught in the 10th grade (in other countries). why is the government so hard on us? we don't want that. i know every country needs smart people to lead it, but i think, that's not the way to do it. if you force things, hard things, like study materials that are cramped into our brains like this, it wouldn't stay long. we would come to hate it. and i'm sure nobody wants that. so please, just take it easy on us :)
Besides, if students didn't understand the studies, what use does it make? nothing, of course. in a test, what do you think students would do if they can't answer a question? think about what comes to mind first. in a desperate time, a critical time. when you needed an answer to a very important quiz, or exam, or whatever you want to call it. let's just say... some people would CHEAT.
everybody has cheated, in a test or not. i know i have, once or twice. and I'm sure everybody has. if this becomes a habit, what would you do? we can't implant something into kids's brains. if this becomes a habit then, what would you do to erase it? erase that thought from our brain? How? and this does not happen to just children, teenagers too..
Okay.. now that i've let out my feelings, thank you. if you read this or not. Have a good day, and may the good wins :D
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
okayy.. i'm a little bored of studying right now. it's exam week in labsky junior high, and i have a math + civics test tomorrow. i know i'm not supposed to blog, but whatever. and i'm gonna edit this post anyway because i wanna add some pictures :)
So i'm gonna tell you about my latest "invention" which are cupcakes! I've started making them since March or April, i don't remember. well anyways the reason i made cupcakes is because of a school occasion, and since i'm part of the committee i have to get some money to run the occasion, and i found one! Baking!
I have never ever ever made or bake a cake or a cupcake or... in fact i've never made anything other than fried rice or instant noodles and scrambled eggs. so i have no experience. at. all. i got interested on baking cupcakes because of the new oven that my mom just bought around the month of february. we never have an oven before. so my mom and i started buying cooking books, and one of them is full of cupcakes recipes, which is "MARTHA STEWART'S: CUPCAKES"
so i was really into the red velvet cupcake, because i've seen the tv show DC cupcakes and it seems like such a hit and best-selling flavor. so i trie to make one with the recipe in this book. and the results are good, for a first-time non-experienced baker. The recipe required some ingredients that aren't available in my country like BUTTERMILK (i replaced it with plain yoghurt) or VEGETABLE OIL (okay this one's not true, i've seen vegetable oils before but it's so expensive because it's imported. i just use cooking oil to replace it).
OVERALL i was happy with the results. so i made red velvet cupcakes about 4 times using this recipe and sell it to my fellow students at school
BUT THENNNN..... I FOUND A BAKER'S BLOG. i totally forgot the name of the blog, because i opened it using my smartphone soo... haha anyway i saw the pictures of the red velvet cupcakes that the owner of the blog took for his baking party, and i was so impressed. i mean the cupcakes are realll big, like big time. about 1/2 the size bigger than mine. and the color looks so good, i just want to eat them just by seeing the photos.
so anyway the writer wrote that she got the recipe from a website called simply recipe or something like that. so i check it out. and she also has some tips on making the cupcakes and i follow them.
THE RESULTS ARE beyond amazing... omagahh it's like a total bake-shop-worthy cupcakes and they tasted better. sorry martha stewart but your recipe kinda didn't work for me, and this free recipe that i got from the internet works better than yours so..
so since then i use that recipe, and the cupcakes are a huge hit. haha, so many people are ordering them. and since then i've become a more experienced baker plus i get some money out of selling those, not to mention the money for the school occasion so it's all worth it.
after that i basically experiment with some other recipes with my mom:
1. Chocolate cupcakes with marshmallow filling!
2. Cookies and Cream Cupcakes
3. Mint-green Cupcakes
thankyou for buying my cupcakes y'all, stay tuned for more flavors. AND IT ONLY COST FOR 10.000 IDR! (about US$1)
So i'm gonna tell you about my latest "invention" which are cupcakes! I've started making them since March or April, i don't remember. well anyways the reason i made cupcakes is because of a school occasion, and since i'm part of the committee i have to get some money to run the occasion, and i found one! Baking!
I have never ever ever made or bake a cake or a cupcake or... in fact i've never made anything other than fried rice or instant noodles and scrambled eggs. so i have no experience. at. all. i got interested on baking cupcakes because of the new oven that my mom just bought around the month of february. we never have an oven before. so my mom and i started buying cooking books, and one of them is full of cupcakes recipes, which is "MARTHA STEWART'S: CUPCAKES"
so i was really into the red velvet cupcake, because i've seen the tv show DC cupcakes and it seems like such a hit and best-selling flavor. so i trie to make one with the recipe in this book. and the results are good, for a first-time non-experienced baker. The recipe required some ingredients that aren't available in my country like BUTTERMILK (i replaced it with plain yoghurt) or VEGETABLE OIL (okay this one's not true, i've seen vegetable oils before but it's so expensive because it's imported. i just use cooking oil to replace it).
OVERALL i was happy with the results. so i made red velvet cupcakes about 4 times using this recipe and sell it to my fellow students at school
BUT THENNNN..... I FOUND A BAKER'S BLOG. i totally forgot the name of the blog, because i opened it using my smartphone soo... haha anyway i saw the pictures of the red velvet cupcakes that the owner of the blog took for his baking party, and i was so impressed. i mean the cupcakes are realll big, like big time. about 1/2 the size bigger than mine. and the color looks so good, i just want to eat them just by seeing the photos.
so anyway the writer wrote that she got the recipe from a website called simply recipe or something like that. so i check it out. and she also has some tips on making the cupcakes and i follow them.
THE RESULTS ARE beyond amazing... omagahh it's like a total bake-shop-worthy cupcakes and they tasted better. sorry martha stewart but your recipe kinda didn't work for me, and this free recipe that i got from the internet works better than yours so..
so since then i use that recipe, and the cupcakes are a huge hit. haha, so many people are ordering them. and since then i've become a more experienced baker plus i get some money out of selling those, not to mention the money for the school occasion so it's all worth it.
after that i basically experiment with some other recipes with my mom:
1. Chocolate cupcakes with marshmallow filling!
2. Cookies and Cream Cupcakes
3. Mint-green Cupcakes
thankyou for buying my cupcakes y'all, stay tuned for more flavors. AND IT ONLY COST FOR 10.000 IDR! (about US$1)
Thursday, May 31, 2012
I always get the feeling that time flies by to fast, don't they? i mean seriously, i was just another girl entering a new world of junior high school, and now i'm about to end my second year here? what the hell. feels like nothing. so anyway, i haven't really talk about my 8th grade class here, i rarely even open my blog anymore. So here goes.
what i'm about to say is not some farewell sappy stuff of cries and heart-breaking story, but a story about my awesome, super fun class with all the amazing people in it.
When i first came in class with 8E, i was like sitting along with my same-class 7th grade friends, like Mirta or Jasmine, because i don't really know the other people in the class. But then, the people goes along really well with each other (except for the fact of some backstreet hate some people had for some people). I'm starting to know my place and pace in the class, and the people too. So, I've made some nickname for each person in gam8rEng, with help from some of my friends. Here goes:
1. Adrian - "The Guitarist"
2. Alsya - The Beautiful Voice"
3. Lia - "Loudest Girl"
4. Ardhisty - "Ms. Photo-Addict"
5. Ayesha - "The Lost Girl"
6. Aza - "The Asking Machine"
7. Azlia (Madam) - "Gorgeous Girl"
8. Jasmine - "Jonghyun's wife"
9. Chandra - "The class's vice-president"
10. Dhio - "The trouble-maker"
11. Emyr - "The dirty-minded"
12. Fadhil - "The 'wise' one"
13. Fajar - "The guy who's close to deafness"
14. Farra - "The talkative girl"
15. Ucup - "The strangest laugh"
16. Hubaib - "The new guy"
17. Ilana "The creative girl"
18. Ilsa - "The fangirl"
19. Alda - "The galau radio"
20. Nafa - "The cardboard" (a.k.a ker-dus)
21. Hardi - "The Gossipy boy"
22. Mirta - "The next Taylor Swift"
23. Veri - "The old-face"
24. Adi - "The one we always blame"
25. Vido - "The guy who stole oxygen"
26. Ghani - "The next Tompi"
27. Faiz -
28. Dino - "Half-boy, half-cat"
29. Jek - "The one who stutter his words"
30. RM - "The BUNTELAN!"
31. Hakim - "The almost-invisible guy" (when the lights r out)
32. Ara - " The mangaka -slash- catwoman"
33. Naila - "The beauty queen"
34. Rava - "THE WRITER"
35. Rifaa - "The result of a merging between Einstein and Rooney"
36. Fira - "The angry birds piggy"
37. Alsa - "The dancing pianist"
38. Abby - "The innocent one"
39. Asha - "The b-baller"
trust me when i say this, i'll remember this class forever, you guys are the most amazing group of friends ever! And i'm not gonna go into the sad stuff now. 8E is the noisiest class i've ever been into, not that it's bad or anything, but honestly sometimes i just wanna scream my head off 'cuz the class is that noisy. But whatever. I'm sure when we're in our new classes in 9th grade, i'll miss the fun and the noise. I've learned many important stuff, i've discovered many friends along the way through the 8th grade-phase. I wouldn't be the same person i am today if not because of you guys :"
I'm sure we're united, unified, merged, (whatever word you wanna use) in our own hearts. And i'm so glad i met all of you :)
what i'm about to say is not some farewell sappy stuff of cries and heart-breaking story, but a story about my awesome, super fun class with all the amazing people in it.
When i first came in class with 8E, i was like sitting along with my same-class 7th grade friends, like Mirta or Jasmine, because i don't really know the other people in the class. But then, the people goes along really well with each other (except for the fact of some backstreet hate some people had for some people). I'm starting to know my place and pace in the class, and the people too. So, I've made some nickname for each person in gam8rEng, with help from some of my friends. Here goes:
1. Adrian - "The Guitarist"
2. Alsya - The Beautiful Voice"
3. Lia - "Loudest Girl"
4. Ardhisty - "Ms. Photo-Addict"
5. Ayesha - "The Lost Girl"
6. Aza - "The Asking Machine"
7. Azlia (Madam) - "Gorgeous Girl"
8. Jasmine - "Jonghyun's wife"
9. Chandra - "The class's vice-president"
10. Dhio - "The trouble-maker"
11. Emyr - "The dirty-minded"
12. Fadhil - "The 'wise' one"
13. Fajar - "The guy who's close to deafness"
14. Farra - "The talkative girl"
15. Ucup - "The strangest laugh"
16. Hubaib - "The new guy"
17. Ilana "The creative girl"
18. Ilsa - "The fangirl"
19. Alda - "The galau radio"
20. Nafa - "The cardboard" (a.k.a ker-dus)
21. Hardi - "The Gossipy boy"
22. Mirta - "The next Taylor Swift"
23. Veri - "The old-face"
24. Adi - "The one we always blame"
25. Vido - "The guy who stole oxygen"
26. Ghani - "The next Tompi"
27. Faiz -
28. Dino - "Half-boy, half-cat"
29. Jek - "The one who stutter his words"
30. RM - "The BUNTELAN!"
31. Hakim - "The almost-invisible guy" (when the lights r out)
32. Ara - " The mangaka -slash- catwoman"
33. Naila - "The beauty queen"
34. Rava - "THE WRITER"
35. Rifaa - "The result of a merging between Einstein and Rooney"
36. Fira - "The angry birds piggy"
37. Alsa - "The dancing pianist"
38. Abby - "The innocent one"
39. Asha - "The b-baller"
trust me when i say this, i'll remember this class forever, you guys are the most amazing group of friends ever! And i'm not gonna go into the sad stuff now. 8E is the noisiest class i've ever been into, not that it's bad or anything, but honestly sometimes i just wanna scream my head off 'cuz the class is that noisy. But whatever. I'm sure when we're in our new classes in 9th grade, i'll miss the fun and the noise. I've learned many important stuff, i've discovered many friends along the way through the 8th grade-phase. I wouldn't be the same person i am today if not because of you guys :"
I'm sure we're united, unified, merged, (whatever word you wanna use) in our own hearts. And i'm so glad i met all of you :)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
sooo.... last friday i went to singapore for a short holiday. and guess what?? i saw the WICKED musical show! I've been wanting to watch that show for nearly 4 years, and finally i did! I even met David Harris (@DavidHarrisOz) after the show. He plays Fiyero in the Australian production of Wicked. That day was in fact, one of the best days of my life! Everything about the musical was absolutely mesmerizing. It was, as they say, OZsome! :D
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