reach for the sky -woody
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Justin Bieber's concert, 28th of April 2011
WOOHOO!!!!! I still cant believe that justin came to indonesia! Anyways i want to tell you about the concert.
My mom ordered the tickets from a friend of hers at bank mandiri, since she used to go to work there. So, she borrowed her friend's card. And, we got 4 tickets, red class, R5-ROW 3!
So by the way, its a long way to sentul. since my brother has this math camp called, 'Kelompok Pendidikan Mipa' or KPM for short, at parung. we kinda go there first, and then we go to sentul SICC!!
THE CONCERT WAS AMAZING, UNBELIVABLE, extra ordinary, etc. and did you know that the girl that got on to the stage (that's @alyssadaguise everyone), is sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! ohmygod..... ash shouldve chosen me T_T.. whywhywhy... oh yeah, and this opening act band, called gruvi gave away a 'first step 2 forever: my story' book, and its signed by JUSTIN BIEBER! lucky girls... well it was an amazing concert anyways. and since i cant post pictures in a post, i'll post it in the picture column alright? :D
ps: i am a belieber now, since i watch justin's concert.. oh god he's amazing.. and anyways i have a list of his private accounts on twitter and fb. haha believe me im not lying, i got it from a contest. so yes, im proud to be a BELIEBER! B.I.E.B.E.R: Believe In Everything Because Everything's Reachable!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
These shoes are made for bleeding (?)
Hello. im just gonna tell you what happen yesterday. HAA
So i was taking jazz classes, and then i fell when doing a piroutte... how nice. anyway my 'accident' knee, make a contact to the floor (haha, okay this is kinda like the physics subject huh?). ant it bleeds, yeah how sad. anyways today's gonna be a great day, because im gonna watch the miracle of love. its a show that my music school makes, kinda like a big concert in this hall where people are watching. im not gonna play in the concert, so i'll just sit, watch, and enjoy the ride. oh yeah, thaya and balqis, also special class and nyd apprentice are going to dance in that show! HAA, yes im gonna watch them. so i guess there would be a little ballet in the show. oh yeah, yesterday, i also had a sneak peek on the show, my piano teacher plays the piano with the violin teacher playing beside her. and guess what? the violin teacher made that score! (music, for some of you that doesnt know, in and orchestra or a concert, a 'piece' or the song, is called 'score'). yes it was amazing.. cant wait for today, and btw im going with ayessa (my ballet friend), her mom, and my mom. so i guess..............its gonna be fun! BYE, have a great day everybody. and anyway i have to go, sorry for the short post, cause im doing my homework right now (well im supposed to, but im blogging, so i have to get back) SEE YOU !
Monday, April 18, 2011
Beaded Loom Bracelet
yesterday, i bought this book called beaded loom bracelet. it's mainly about how to make beaded bracelet. the book's published by KLUTZ.. yes they're amazing. anyway, im planning to make one.. the instructions are really easy so i hope i could make one really nicely. oh well if you want to see the book (since i can't post picture on blogger), you'll have to go to | and yes, that book includes the beads! FYEAH \m/
Vacation for the next 10 days or so
so, we at lasbky, are having the time of our lives, that is vacation. as you all know, it's the happiest moment of a student's life, but you know.. its not that great when you have so many homeworks piling up in your room. so i better start working on them. anyway's the reason that we're having a 10 days break is because of the national exam for high school and junior high. Goodluck kakak2 hastara and kakak2 scavor! hope you get the best scores, and you're thankful with it! And also to other high school and junior high students who's having or gonna have their national exam, GOOD LUCK :D..
Well, im so freakin' bored, well not that bored really.. what's up with us? when we're going to school, we want holidays, but after we have our time for holidays, we got bored and we want to get back to school as soon as possible._.haha. oh yeah, my friends at alpust aren't having their holidays yet.. They're gonna start their holidays at thursday. Hope i could hang with some of my old buddy ! God, i miss them. So for the record, im gonna go do my homeworks (GAHH)...Yeah, as much as i dont want to... i have to, so bye! oh and 1 more post before i go :D
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I FORGOT SOMETHIN' -__- *7d- record breaker, nu green tea*
so.... tadi pas pelajaran silat ada satu anak 7d cewek, hm siapa gw gatau beli nu green tea madu di kantin, terus di tutupnya da tulisan gratis satu botol. terus ditukerin deh, abis itu nu green tea tukeran tersebut dibuka botolnya, dapet gratis 1 botol....LAGI. ya pokoknya kayak begitu terus menerus sampe 11 KALI!!! sumpah gw kasian sama mas-mas yang jualan.... prihatin.. sabar ya mas.. man shabara zhafirs, siapa yang sabar akan beruntung :) heheh!
GOODNIGHT! so long farewell, auf wiedersen goodbye!
see ya next time bloggies, wml and wml *cross fingers*
oh yea im proud to be a hooligan!!!!!!!!!
tanggal 5 april lalu, sang bruno mars (nama aslinya peter gene hernandez) dateng ke indonesia! tepatnya di jakarta. Dia berhasil membuat cewek-cewek yang nonton konsernya melting dan tergila-gila *oh ato cuma saya kali ya*, haha pokoknya bruno rocked my world! gw sama ibu gw dateng kesitu sekitar jam 5-an. terus kita ngantri ngunggu open gates jam 6. terus pas gatesnya diopen, para fans yang udah dateng langsung buru-buru nyerbu tempat foto2 yang udh disediain kayak ada gambar bruno marsnya gitudeh. terus abis itu pada ngantri di depan pintu masuknya.. HEHO.
hem okedeh buru-bur. imma rushing to get a seat. walopun tribune tapi ttp aja kan pengen yang viewnya bagus. hm okedeh, akhirnya dapet di baris ke 2 dr depan kan lumayan. heheh. terus gw dapet yang blok E. Itu deket banget sama panggung HAA! super woy...
and then the concert begins.... pas runaway baby....itu super gila, terus abis itu pas marry you, grenade juga. tapi paling parah kyknya pas just the way you are woy. banyak yang nangis plus teriak2 gitudeh. terus yang seru menurut gw pas count on me sama grenade. HAAA. oh ya terus pas lagu nothing on you, si bruno, nyanyi ke 1 orang cewek di festival. dia nyanyinya sambil berlutut kayak mau ngelamar gitudeh. terus abis itu, dia nyanyiin kan. pas selesai kita yang lain kyk teriak2 iri gitu... GILALO kalo gw jadi cewek itu, gw udah melting, mau pingsan ditempat kali ya. wanjeer...
oke terus lagu terakhirnya just the way you are.. semuanya sing-a-long sm bruno-nya. terus pas udah selesai kita teriak2 "we want more" gitudeh. trs abs itu, si bruno keluar lagi, nyanyiin lagu apaya gw lupa. terus selesai deh *YAH KOK ENCORENYA CUMAN SEKALI* Terus abis itu kita pulang deh. oh iya btw, pas udah mau ke backstage si bruno ngelemparina dnuknya ke penonton dan yang dapet itu temen gw (hm gakenal sih, tp dia skrg anak #41) OKEDEH sekian................ next post
DOO-FUN with other few fellow of co7dplay
heyloo.... sesuai janji, saya bakal ngeblog tentang kejadian-kejadian yang telah terjadi dalam hidup -_-" okedeh. jadi sekitar peretengahan maret ato kapan pokoknya bulan maret, beberapa anak 7d (gw, radhia, nina, naila, fira, nuky, adit, nadhif, kelle, echa, sule, astri, poeti, nafa, aya, habibah, dan maaf kalo ada yg gak disebut soalnya lupa._.) pergi ke dufan untuk menaiki atraksi-atraksi yang ada disana. pertama-tama gw, sama anak-anak yang berani naik hysteria pada naik tuh. rasanya beda banget sama atraksi semacam itu yang di luar-luar negeri gitudeh. kalo hysteria, pertamanya super serem, kita ngrasa bahwa gak ada kursi dibawah kita. jadi kayak melayang gitu. dan itu super serem, jiwa kita kayak ketinggalan diatas dan tiba-tiba badan kita udah ada di bawah aja. T_T anyway pokoknya beda banget lah sama tower of terror atau semacamnya gitu. HEHEH
terus abis naik hysteria........................oke gw lupa, kayaknya sih ke istabon deh, tapi gw, nafa, naila, terus echa, aya, veri, nadhif.. hmm siapalagi maaf gw lupa (udh lama sih-_-). naik poci-poci soalnya males di istabon. terus kita naik poci2. abs itu gw lupa. HAHA, pokoknya kita yang di rombongan itu misah ama yang di istabon, terus gw lupa blablabla. oh iya, kita akhirnya ke istabon juga.. ternyata ada suatu kejadian (tapi maaf gaboleh diomongin disini soalnya secret confidential -___-). eh terus abis itu kita makan di simpang raya (misah sama yang cowok tapi. oh iya yang cowok juga misah pas kita istabon). abis itu selesai makan, kita ke daerah tornado gitu, nungguin si sule, kelle, ama nadhif (main tornado). EH YG BACA INI MUSTI TAU: SI SULE PAS NAIK TORNAD SEMPET-SEMPETNYA BENERIN JAMBUL WOY! HAHAHAA.. GILALO KALO GW SIH UDAH NGERI KALI YA, DIA SEMPET-SEMPETNYA GITU. HII. terus abis selesai cowok2 ber3 tersebut naik tornado, kita bareng-bareng menuju perang bintang. HAA. itu gabung juga ya sama anak2 7d yang lain. abis perang bintang, misah lagi tuh kita. gw, rad, echa, sule, kelle, veri, nadhif. bareng-bareng mau naik halilintar. yang lainnya pada gamau. yaudah kita jalan tuh ke halilintar dan KALIAN MUSTI TAHU, si echa, kelle, sule, veri, nadhif ada di kereta pertama kan. dan nyeseknya gw sama rad jadi di kereta yang kedua. gilalo kita udh ngantri capek2 bareng temen malah gitu. CIH. ohya terus tadinya si echa gw sam arad nyuruh dia duduk bareng kelle tapi gamau kan, jadinya si echa duduk ama nadhif di plg belakang, terus si kelle ama sule berdua di paling depan -_-. nah terus, kata si echa, si kelle kayak ingusnya keluar gitu terus kena tempat duduk HALILINTARNYA!!!! JIAHH PARBET. oke lanjut. pas halilntarnya mau jalan (kereta ke2 nih), si rad udah gabisa ngomong, gw bilang ke dia: "rad jangan panik rad!" dianya kayak diem lesu gitudeh. HAHA.
terus abis itu, si kelle, sule mencar gitudeh. terus gw gatau lupa ada kejadian apa, pokoknya abis itu kita sempet naik niagara2 (tapi veri gaikut deh kalo gasalah) HOHO. GW PALING DEPAN LOH._. *jadi inget kalo ultah bank mandiri tiap taun ke dufan gratis dulu. hahaa-_-*
terus abis itu kita se-7d bareng-bareng lagi deh (tapi udh gaada nuky sama aya soalnya mrk udh pulang) trs abs itu kita foto bareng di depan apaantuh yang ada kuda2 naik turun itu, gw lupa -_- haha carousel ya? oh itu b. ingnya oke gw gatau. -_-. terus abis itu pulang deh....
pas di mobil, si rad, naila, ama nina ikut pulang pke mobil gw kan, terus bais itu kita main sambung-sambungan kata gitu deh. yang stuck disuruh milih truth, dare, atau TU (TUNJUKAN UPIL) hhaa. jadi tu itu, yang kalah tadi, disuruh ngupil terus kalo udh ada upilnya difiti trs masukin twitter (haha maap rada najong, lupa itu idenya siapa) tapi gaada yang milih TU kok..... tapi ada yang sempet stuck pas main. OKEDEH.
sekian dan saya akan lanjutkan..........................setelah ini!