reach for the sky -woody

Read on and you'll know (almost) everything about me :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

These shoes are made for bleeding (?)

Hello. im just gonna tell you what happen yesterday. HAA

So i was taking jazz classes, and then i fell when doing a piroutte... how nice. anyway my 'accident' knee, make a contact to the floor (haha, okay this is kinda like the physics subject huh?). ant it bleeds, yeah how sad. anyways today's gonna be a great day, because im gonna watch the miracle of love. its a show that my music school makes, kinda like a big concert in this hall where people are watching. im not gonna play in the concert, so i'll just sit, watch, and enjoy the ride. oh yeah, thaya and balqis, also special class and nyd apprentice are going to dance in that show! HAA, yes im gonna watch them. so i guess there would be a little ballet in the show. oh yeah, yesterday, i also had a sneak peek on the show, my piano teacher plays the piano with the violin teacher playing beside her. and guess what? the violin teacher made that score! (music, for some of you that doesnt know, in and orchestra or a concert, a 'piece' or the song, is called 'score'). yes it was amazing.. cant wait for today, and btw im going with ayessa (my ballet friend), her mom, and my mom. so i guess..............its gonna be fun! BYE, have a great day everybody. and anyway i have to go, sorry for the short post, cause im doing my homework right now (well im supposed to, but im blogging, so i have to get back) SEE YOU !