reach for the sky -woody

Read on and you'll know (almost) everything about me :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Crazy Little Thing called Love (aka First Love) Trailer High Quality

Ya, gw tau gw udah pernah ngepost ini sebelumnya, tapi gw emang terlalu cinta sama film ini. hoho makanya gw post lagi deh. Selain itu, bgi yg belom nonton bisa baca sinopsinya aja yakk!-_- here goes..

Crazy Little Thing Called Love is a Thai movie about a little not so beautiful girl having a deep crush to the campus hearthrob. She changes her looks, her attitude, study harder, and all that, just for this guy.. See all the hardships and challenges that she did in order to make the one she wanted, loves her back. With the help of her 3 best friends would she succeed? What about her father that's still working in the US? Watch this movie to find out

Okayy, kalian semua wajib menonton. masa gw nontonnya pagi-pagi pas abis sahur tanggal 9-8-2011. Terus kan akhir2nya sedih tuhh, jadi gw nangis parah sampe ngabisin sebox tissue (haha lebee). ya gak sebox juga sih, tapi lumayan lah. oke #maafcurcol gapenting. karena kalian udah ngebaca ini gw mau kasih hadiah!! HOHO (pdhlkalianblmtentubacagitu....)


see ya later guys, enjoy the movie
gw tau gw terlalu baik ngasih linknya ke kalian.
bagi yang udah nonton, pasti merasakan penderitaan gw HAHA.
betapa ending filmnya bikin terharu sedih etc.
ayo cepetan click linknya drpd penasaran!!