reach for the sky -woody
Monday, November 21, 2011
hafalan plkj: sejarah pemerintahan dki jakarta
BAB1: PENDAHULUAN (Latar Belakang) [JAJA]
Sejarah merupakan suatu materi penting dlm kehidupan. Tanpa sejarah kita tdk akan bisa mengenal asal-muasal suatu tempat atau seseorang. Maka dari itu, sejarah sangat penting untuk dipelajari atau dimanfaatkan agar kita tdk mengulang kesalahan yg terjadi di masa lalu.
Jakarta adalah sebuah provinsi yang besar. Kitas yg tinggal di Jakarta tentunya harus tahu sejarahnya, terutama sejarah pemerintahannya. Bagaimana asal-muasal provinsi DKI Jakarta ini? Bagaimana urutan peristiwa penjajahan sampai bisa menjadi provinsi seperti sekarang?
A. Pelabuhan Sunda kelapa [HAKIM]
- Wilayah Jakarta dikenal dengan sebutan Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa sejak abad 10.
- Pelabuhan sunda kelapa dibawah kerajaan Hindu Pajajaran pada abad ke 10, menurut prasasti Tugu yang terletak di desa Batu Tumbuh, Jakarta Utara.
- Merupakan sebuah pelabuhan bongkar muat barang yang sering dilabuhi kapal phinisi atau Bugis Schooner.
- Pada tahun 1552, Gubernur portugis, d’Alburquerque mengirim Enrique Lane, utusannya yang didampingi Tome Pires untuk menemui Raja Sangiang Surawisesa.
- 21 Agustus 1552 ditandatangani perjanjian persahabatan antara pajajaran dan portugis, langkah ini digunakan agar Raja Pakuan Pajajaran guna memperoleh bantuan dari portugis menghadapi ancaman Kerajaan Islam Demak yang kuat.
- Perjanjian persahabatan ini sia – sia, karena portugis tidak membantu mempertahankan Sunda Kelapa, melainkan ingin menguasai pelabuhan tersebut.
B. Jayakarta [ALSA]
- Kerajaan Islam Demak ingin menguasai sunda kelapa. Demak mengirimkan pasukannya pada tahun 1526 untuk menguasai sunda kelapa di pimpinan Fatahillah / Fadilah Khan, panglima perang asal gujarat.
-Tanggal 22 Juni 1527 Sunda kelapa jatuh ke tangan Kerajaan Islam Demak. Nama Sunda Kelapa diganti menjadi “Jayakarta” yang berarti “Kemenangan Berjaya”.
-Pada tahun 1619, Jan Pieterzoon Coen menyerbu Jayakarta. Belanda berhasil merebut Jayakarta.
C. Batavia [Bagian MIRTA]
- Setelah direbut Belanda, Jayakarta diubah menjadi “Batavia”. Ketika menggunakan nama Batavia, Jakarta dipimpin beberapa gubernur jenderal:
1) Jan Pieterzoon Coen
- Jayakarta dibumiratakan dan dibangun benteng untuk pertahanan
- Pada tanggal 4 Maret 1621, belanda membentuk Pemerintahan Kota yang bernama “stad batavia” dan pada tanggal 1 april 1905 diganti “gemeente batavia”. Tanggal 8 Januari 1935 diubah menjadi “Stadgemeente Batavia.”
- Membangun Nassau Huis yang dinamakan Mauritius Huis dan membangun tembok setinggi 7 meter dan beberapa meriam.
2) Jacquees Speex
- Membangun pusat pertahanan di Kasteel Batavia, kota bagian timur, barat, serta depan (Voorstad)
- Tahun 1740, membangun terusan-terusan & jembatan penyeberangan (salah satunya Molenvliet).
- Akhir abad 18, pembangunan di daerah Jatinegara, Gambir, & Senen (Weltevreden)
C. Batavia [Bagian ALSA]
3) Daendels
-Awal abad 19. Belanda menyerah kpd Inggris
-Gubernur Jend. Inggris pertama di batavia
-Masa pemerintahan 1801-1811
-Membangun Istana Daendels (waterlooplein). skrg gedung dep. keuangan
-Membangun lap. u/ latihan militer. (skrg lapangan Medan Merdeka/taman Monas) & Lap. Waterlooplein (skrg lapangan banteng)
C. Batavia [Bagian HAKIM]
4) Raffles
-Berkuasa dr tahun 1811-1816
-Berkebangsaan inggris
-membangun museum & perpustakaan: Lembaga kesenian & pengetahuan batavia (1776)
-membangun gedung kesenian (1821)
-membnagung weltevreden, skrg gedung DPR-RI pertama
-membangun gedung pengadilan tinggi (1848) skrg gedung MA.
C. Batavia [Bagian RM]
6) Van den Bosch
-Perang mereda di eropa, terjalin kerja sama antara inggris & belanda. belanda kembali menguasai batavia
-Membangun benteng Prins Federik Hendrik. skrg daerah masjid Istiqlal
-Dibangun garis pertahanan: Definisieljn Ban den Bosch u/ memperkuat pertahanan kota.
-Membangun Koningsplein, skrg istana merdeka
-Rencana perluasan kota pd thn 1917
-membangun sekolah tinggi hukum (rechtschoogeschool): di daerah merdeka barat. skrg gedung dep peertahanan
-Membangun gedung balai kota serta gedung koloniale petroleum
-membangun gedungg bpm: skrg pertamina & gedung kpm. di daerah merdeka timur
D. Setelah Merdeka [JAJA]
-Setelah indonesia merdeka, pd bln sept. 1945 pemerintah kota jakarta diberi nama pemerintahan nasional kota jakarta
- walikota pertama adalah Suwiryo. ditangkap oleh tentara NICA
-Tahun 1950: pemerintahan nasional kota jakarta (pre-federal) berubah menjadi satd gemeente batavia. bulan maret ditetapkan menjadi pemerintah kota praja
-thn 1958: kedudukan jakarta sbg. daerah swatantara, dinamakan kota praja jakarta raya
-thn 1964: status jakarta dinaikkan setingkat provinsi dan disebut Derah khusus ibukota jakarta (DKI)
-Jakarta dipimpin oleh gubernur
-tg; 31 agustus 1964: ditetapkan sbg. ibukota negara RI
BAB3 PENUTUP (Kesimpulan)
Bab3: Penutup [bagian Hakim]
-Jakarta merupakan provinsi yg sgt besar & memiliki sejarah yg cukup panjang
-Awalnya JKT dikenal sbg daerah sunda kelapa (aba 10)
-kemudian berubah nama menjadi jayakarta krn perpindahan kekuasaan ke kerajaan islam demak
Bab3: Penutup [bagian Alsa]
-berubah nama menjadi batavia pd masa penjajahan belanda & inggris
-dipimpin oleh gubernur jenderal dr belanda & inggris: jp coen, jacques speex, daendels, raffles, van den bosch.
Bab3: Penutup [bagian Mirta]
-Setekah merdeka diberi nama pemerintahan nasional kota jakarta.
-thn 1964 status kota jakarta dinaikkan menjadi provesi
-ditetapkan sbg ibukota negara RI pd thn 1964
Sunday, November 20, 2011
-ALSA (Ekstasi [MDMA]):
Apa itu ekstasi?
MDMA (Methylene Dioxy Meth Amphetamine) atau yang umumnya dikenal sebagai ekstasi. Ekstasi biasanya berbentuk tablet berwarna dengan disain yang berbeda-beda. Ekstasi bisa juga berbentuk bubuk atau kapsul. Salah satu zat psikotropika.
Seperti kebanyakan obat terlarang, tidak ada kontrol yang mengatur kekuatan dan kemurnian salah satu jenis narkoba ini. Bahkan tidak ada jaminan bahwa sebutir ekstasi sepenuhnya berisi ekstasi. Seringkali ekstasi dicampur dengan bahan-bahan berbahaya lainnya.
Nama-nama lain: Dolphin, Black Heart, Gober, Circle K, dll.
MET (metilamfetamina/Methamphetamine), berbentuk kristal seperti gula pasir atau vetsin (bumbu penyedap makanan). Merusak otak, terutama bagian otak yang mengendalikan pernafasan. Pertama dibuat oleh Efedrina di Jepang pada 1893 oleh Nagai Nagayoshi.
shabu adalah bahan kimia methamphetamin. Biasanya berbentuk kristal seperti gula atau bumbu penyedap masakan.
Shabu -shabu sering juga disebut : SS,ice (es) karena bentuknya yang seperti kristal transparan tidak berbau dan tidak berwarna.
-ILSA (Akibat pemakaian ekstasi-negatif):
- Ada bukti bahwa obat ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan jantung dan hati.
- Ekstasi merusak otak dan memperlemah daya ingat.
- adanya depresi berat dan telah ada kasus-kasus gangguan kejiwaan.
- Dapat mengakibatkan kematian
untuk tambahan aja ya:
Apa saja pengaruh jangka panjang pemakaian ekstasi?
Sedikit yang diketahui tentang pengaruh jangka panjang dari pemakaian ekstasi, tetapi kemungkinan kerusakan mental dan psikologis sangat tinggi. Berikut adalah apa saja yang kita sudah tahu:
- Ekstasi merusak otak dan memperlemah daya ingat.
- Ekstasi merusak mekanisme di dalam otak yang mengatur daya belajar dan berpikir dengan cepat.
- Ada bukti bahwa obat ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan jantung dan hati.
- Pemakai teratur telah mengakui adanya depresi berat dan telah ada kasus-kasus gangguan kejiwaan.
Ada bukti bahwa orang dapat menjadi kecanduan ekstasi secara psikologis. Pemakai mengakui kesulitan mereka untuk berhenti atau mengurangi pemakaian.
Telah diketahui bahwa kematian akibat ekstasi dapat terjadi sebagai akibat dari tiga keadaan yang berbeda:
- Pengaruh stimulasi yang mengakibatkan serangan jantung atau pendarahan otak.
- Kombinasi penggunaan ekstasi dengan dengan aktivitas menari akan menyebabkan naiknya temperatur suhu badan pada tingkat yang berbahaya. Karena biasanya ekstasi diminum di klub-klub malam atau diskotik, maka resiko kematian karena panas yang berlebihan (hyperthermia) akan meningkat.
Walau bukan karena akibat langsung dari ekstasi, kematian dapat terjadi karena banyaknya air yang diminum akibat temperatur suhu badan yang tinggi sehingga terjadi "dilutional hyponatremia" -keadaan dimana otak kelebihan cairan.
-LIA (akibat pemakaian sabu2-negatif):
- Jangka panjang: fungsi otak terganggu dan bisa berakhir dengan kegilaan.
- Gelisah dan tidak bisa diam
- Tidak bisa tidur dan tidak bisa makan
Dikarenakan oleh kandungan sabu-sabu berupa AMFETAMIN
-HUBAIB (ekstasi dlm kedokteran):
- Untuk terapi autisme
- Dapat meredakan gelisah dan depresi
- Meredakan skizofrenia*
Skizofrenia adalah suatu gangguan psikosis fungsional berupa gangguan mental berulang yang ditandai dengan gejala-gejala psikotik yang khas dan oleh kemunduran fungsi sosial, fungsi kerja, dan perawatan diri. Skizofrenia Tipe I ditandai dengan menonjolnya gejala-gejala positif seperti halusinasi, delusi, dan asosiasi longgar, sedangkan pada Skizofrenia Tipe II ditemukan gejala-gejala negative seperti penarikan diri, apati, dan perawatan diri yang buruk.
-GHANI (sabu2 dlm kedokteran):
- Mengatasi sariawan pada musim Pancaroba
- Meningkatkan IQ pada anak (tdk berlebihan)
tambahin sendiri ya, gue gatau lagi-_-
-HARDI (pencegahan & solusi penggunaan ekstasi dan sabu2):
- Menghindari pergaulan yang tidak baik
- Jangan mengkonsumsi berlebihan
- Menjalankan terapi
- Sebisa mungkin menghindari
- Konsultasi dengan dokter
-tambahin sendiri lagi ya._.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Sweet Dream
You’re my dream
My realm at night
You fulfills my destiny
I’m mesmerized by your beauty
You are my sweet ecstasy
You’re my drug
My very own personal heroine
You became a nightmare to me
You hunts me every night
I want to run away
But I can’t…
I want to stay away from you
But I’ve tried with all my might,
I’m always coming back
I want to say goodbye…..
So badly I want to scream !!
I’m being mad at myself..
And I don’t know why
“Goodbye then !!! I don’t want to see you again !”
You raised your voice so high,
I can’t stand it anymore
I opened the door,
And I run with all my might
I sat below a tree
My eyes stung so badly.
The night breeze flew by,
Telling me not to cry
I looked up at the sky..
Seeing all those stars..
Brings me calmness..
And suddenly,
I realized where I am
This is the place where I used to spent time with you..
Memories are floating back..
I’m hearing voices..
Our laughter,
My voice..
And then,
I hear your voice..
It sounds so close, like its not a memory at all
It seems real..
“Its beautiful isn’t it? The stars?”
I looked up once more
“Yeah, it is”
I’m out of my mind right?
Cause I’m certainly just talked to a memory all by myself
I sounded crazy..
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry for raising my voice at you.. I’m sorry that I can’t control my emotion.. Please forgive me..”
No, your voice was real!
I turned my head and I stared at your eyes..
Your beautiful twinkling eyes..
I felt hypnotize..
And then I can’t stand it anymore,
I cried..
“Please.. I’m sorry..”
I reach his hair and touch it..
still crying
“I forgive you”
I let the question hang around us..
“I love you..”
And then you kissed me for what felt like an eternity..
You’re back to being my wonderful mesmerizing sweet dream..
-sept 17, 2010-
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS MOVIE TO DEATH. Especially becuz of Cody McLendon which plays Bruno in the movie. and Patton Ottlivio (Lintang in Laskar Pelangi musikal) which plays Jason.
LANGIT BIRU is a movie about Biru, Amanda, and Tomtim: three best friends from childhood who are both in 7th grade junior high school and live nearby in a residential complex.
Biru, the only child of Daniel, who works as a pilot. Biru is the son of an independent, active, beautiful, somewhat tomboyish, smart, but rather emotional. Her mother died when Biru was 7 years old. Amanda, was the first child of the couple Henry and Julie, with a younger brother named Brandon. Tomtim is a boy that has some psychologist disease: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
There's this bully at school, named Bruno. he bullies other kids with his gang (Samuel, Jason, and one more guy that i forgot) especially Tomtim, because of his disease. A teacher at school assigned a video presentation for a group project. being the three closest friends ever, Biru, Amanda, and Tomtim agreed to joined as a group.
They are trying to uncover Bruno's secrets. why does he bullied other kids? What's he hiding, really? There's where the adventure begins. With a video camera, Amanda's little brother's (Brandon) connection to a dance school, and Biru's coming of age story, THIS FILM IS A MUST-SEE. One of the best indonesian films ever, with a very good moral message too! <3
Movie Info
Director: Lasja F. Susatyo
Writer: Melissa Karim
Genre: Drama/musical
Ratnakanya Anissa Pinandita
Jeje Soekarno
Baby Natalie
Cody Mcclendon <3 Patton Ottlivio Jonathan Prasetyo Samuel Nathanael Carol Ari Wibowo Donna Harun
Indonesian Synopsis (via
Biru, Amanda, dan Tomtim adalah tiga sahabat dari kecil yang sama-sama duduk di kelas 1 SMP Generasi Bintang dan tinggal berdekatan dalam satu kompleks perumahan.Biru adalah anak yang mandiri, aktif, cantik, agak tomboy, pintar. Ia tinggal bersama ayahnya yang berprofesi sebagai pilot karena sang ibu telah meninggal dunia ketika Biru masih berusia 7 tahun.
Amanda, adalah anak pertama dari pasangan Henry dan Julie, dengan seorang adik bernama Brandon. Amanda adalah anak yang cantik, manis, lembut tapi juga aktif. Adiknya Brandon sangat jago nge-dance meskipun masih kecil. Tomtim, yang badannya paling besar di antara mereka memiliki keterbatasan atau learning difficulties. Tomtim butuh bantuan dari orang-orang terdekat yang sudah mengerti keadaannya, sehingga mamanya dan dua sahabatnya selalu mengingatkannya serta menjaganya. Keadaan Tomtim yang istimewa ini membuatnya seringkali menjadi target sasaran beberapa anak nakal di sekolah.
Bruno, adalah salah satu anak yang suka nge-bully Tomtim di sekolah bersama dengan ganknya yaitu Jason, Samuel, dan Erlangga. Sebenarnya mereka bukan hanya sering nge-bully Tomtim tetapi juga nak-anak lain yang lebih kecil atau lebih lemah. Sayangnya mereka tidak pernah tertangkap basah sehingga tidak pernah dihukum oleh sekolah.
Dalam tugas di sekolah, gank Biru menjadikan Bruno dan gank bullynya sebagai objek presentasi. Tujuan awalnya adalah mengumpulkan bukti-bukti kenakalan mereka. Akan tetapi dalam proses kedetektifan mereka, ternyata ditemukan banyak fakta lain yang lebih menarik. Apakah Bruno adalah sosok yang mereka kenal di sekolah? Ataukah dia memiliki sisi lain yang belum pernah mereka lihat sebelumnya? Akhirnya, dalam suasana pesta Natal yang meriah, mereka bersama-sama merayakan persahabatan, cinta kasih, dan persaudaraan mereka tanpa melihat perbedaan suku, agama dan latar belakang sebagai suatu penghalang.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
F for "Family"
(this list are sorted through the most important, 'til the least important. nah, i'm totally kidding. i mean i put my brother on number 3! he's totally not important. HAHA JK)
1. Mother
We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. Our mother, everyone has one, or two, or more. So anyway, our birth mother, carry us for 7-9 months maximal, and then gave birth to us. very very risky thing to do. They've been carrying a watermelon (that's us) in their belly for a whole of 9 months. tough thing to do. not to mention absolutely heavy. Our mother is the one who supports us, always. Love you mom!
2. Dad
I also wouldn't exist in this world if it wasn't for my dad. You know, the fatherly role in our lives? Well this guy right here, owns it. My dad is also the one who motivates us to go the right way, and to make the most out of our lives (well at least, that's what my dad always told me).
3. Brother/sister
As annoying as they might be, my life wouldn't be complete without the existence of my brainy but annoying brother. I mean, he always, always finds a way to annoy me, in every kind, every possible way possible. But, you know, i rarely say this, but i gotta admit, without this boy in my life, my days wouldn't be as "FUN" as they have been. it would be very lonely indeed. Anyway, good luck to my brother, who's gonna go to India, the country of curry & the magical Taj Mahal, for the Wiz Mic mathematics competition. Hope you bring the gold medal home -for me to sell- HAHA, no. totally joking.
4. Grandma & Grandpa
Our father AND mother wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. And you know what that means, we wouldn't be here too if they're not here right? so give a big applause to your own grandma and grandpa! HAHA. So, in Indonesia, when it's the end of Ramadhan (Eid Mubasrak, the start of the month Syawal-in islam religion), people go to other people's house and celebrate with them. W eat, drink, and talk together. We practically spent around 4 days, going to people's houses. Mostly families or close friends's. As a tradition, grown ups, gave us (childs & infants & teenager! -big surprise there) money!! I got the biggest and the best tons of money from my grandma! Last year she gave my brother & me a hundred US dollars each! this year, is almost the same, but the currency is in Rupiah. so, thankyou grandma, and grandpa. Sadly, my grandpa from dad already passed away. :')
5. Uncles & Aunts
Oh yes, our uncles and aunts are all so very precious-_- from my dad's family, i have around 5-6 aunts and around 8 uncles. whilst from my mom, i have 10-13 aunts and a lot of uncles (HAHA OMG i don't know for sure). Uncles and aunts are also important. They are our parents' brothers and sisters/cousins, or brothers, sister/cousins-in law. Yeah, we must have a lot. Anyway did you know that if my grandma has a little sister, and the sister has only gave birth a year befor i was born, the boy is still considered as my uncle? YEAH, i do have one of those uncle. (hey, uncle billy! ugh so weird) anyway that's the way it is in some parts of Indonesian traditions. Even if i have an uncle who's 5 years younger than me, i still have to call him my uncle. Without uncles and aunts, probably there would be no fun in family meetings & reunions.
6. Cousins
Ah, yes. Cousins! I absolutely love all of my cousins. From my dad's family I have 2 boy cousins. From my mother's I have 2 older girl cousins, 2 younger boy cousins, & 3 younger girl cousins. haha, yes that's a lot. and that's only from my inner family (grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, father, mother, brother, sister) yeahh.. i know right. but, you know without my cousins, every inner family meeting would be pretty much pointless. Not fun. At all.
7. Friends
Yeah, I considered my friends as family. Especially my best friends. They are practically one of the closest people in our lives. So i 'labeled' them as my family :)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
As Long As You're With Me - Chapter 3
It's 10.30 PM here, in Jakarta. I'm currently gazing up at the dark starless sky above. It's practically pitch-black. The only thing that I can see is an endless and endless of black sky.
I remember the sky in Stratford. The sun always sets around 7 or 8 PM. Unlike here. It sets at 6 PM. I really miss Stratford. I miss all my friends, I miss my grandparents, I miss everything.
Jakarta's sky doesn't have stars. There are too many city and street lights from below, so we can't really see what's above. Even the moon doesn't show up tonight. It usually does though.
I wonder why...
Suddenly realization struck me.
Justin was supposed to call me, 'later' as he said. But he hasn't called, hmm.. Until now. Why's that? Justin's never really the type of person who broke his promises. He always do the things that he tells he would do. So there must be some good reason for this.
I sighed, thinking back to the events of today. My dad left this morning, for a conference thing in Singapore. He's gonna be gone for a week or so. Meanwhile, my mom has a job out of town, to deal with some designers or something like that.
So I guess I have the house all to myself then.
Not that I mind.
Usually, I would ask Trina to sleep over, but she can't since her cousin, Chris, whom I had a small encounter with earlier, just moved from Australia.
So I'm all alone..
I gazed above at the sky one more time. Suddenly my iPhone buzzed and let out a sound indicating I have a new text message. I took it out of my pocket and look at the home screen.
Justin Bieber:
Claire, I'm so sorry for scooter interrupting our call like that, and I'm sorry for not calling you. Scooter forced me to go to an early dance practice. Oh, and I have some big news. Please call me when you get this. I'm so sorry again, love you always! <3
Its Justin. I've never been this disappointed at him. And I'm not really in the mood to talk to him right now. Plus I'm tired from the events of today, I'm just gonna call him the minute I wake up I guess.
Maybe I'm being kind of mean. I know I'm supposed to call him now, since I got the text and all.
I just wanna get back at him sometimes.
I stood up, brushing some grass off my maroon shorts. Yeah, I didn't really bother to change after being at Trina's. I put the iPhone back into my pocket, and then went inside of the house through the back door.
I climbed up the stairs to my room, thinking about Chris.
I know its such a sudden to develop feelings towards the boy I just met. But I couldn't help it. After a little encounter that I had with him today, at Trina's house, I still felt the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.
I can still memorize his flawless appearance. His tousled blonde hair, his mesmerizing blue eyes.
You know.. The kind of guy that has the look that could make an awestruck girl, faint.
Deep down, I know. I still have feelings for Justin. Yeah, we were really close back then. We even daAted for awhile. But then, I have to move away. Leaving my 'soul' back in Stratford.
I don't even know what's worth it anymore. When I'm with him, I felt free. I felt like there's no danger in this world. I felt.. Fearless
He's a badass. And I can't help to fall for him.
But now, there's Chris.. Should I forget about Justin? After all, he forgot to call me anyway. And not just that, we're also growing apart more and more this days.
It bothers me, a whole lot.
I reach the door of my room and grab the knob of it. I slowly walk in.
"What the hell. Who put these in here?" I murmured under my breath. There's a bouquet of flowers filled with purple and white tulips, on the bed.
Yeah, after I went to Trina's house, I didn't go to my room. I feel that I need to lay awhile in the backyard. So I did it.
I walk to the end of my bed. There's a note stuck in between the flowers. I pick it up. There's some writing on the card.
To: Claire
I am so sorry for everything that I did to you. I really didn't mean it. I'm sorry for not telling you about me breaking out as a star. I'm sorry for not calling you today. But Scooter told me something really important, and I think you should know what it is. Please accept my apology. Hope you will..
Love you forever & always,
Oh my God, this is so sweet of him. I was just planning on bitching to him, but he's so nice to me. And I can't believe he signed it with "love".
Although its not his real writing tough. The note's typed with some formal font. I picked up a white tulip and smell it. I turn the card around, and there's another writing.
PS: Your mom got home this afternoon, I called her. She told me that you're at a friend's. So I told her to put the flower bouquet that I ordered in your room. I know you're probably freakin' out how the hell does this thing get into your room.
What? My mom came home this afternoon? I was probably at Trina's, yes. But she didn't even tell me she's coming?
Suddenly, I have the urging feeling for a night snack. I put the note on the white duvet, and make my way out of the room. I descended down the stairs with a run.
Why didn't she tell me she's coming?
Ugh, she managed to tell Justin and not me? What kind of mother is that?
I walk-run to the kitchen. The house is pretty big. I finally reached the kitchen. There's a note on the refrigerator. I quickly grab and read it.
Trina, sorry I don't tell you I'm coming home. I have something I need to take, but I have to rush back for work. I'll call you later, honey.
Haha, yeah right. I know she wouldn't have time to call me anyway.
I guess, I'm gonna call Justin now. After all, he's done all this for me, right?
I sit on the kitchen counter, breathing in the heavy air. I can feel the smell of spices. Its so quite here. Nobody's home besides me. I reached inside my shorts pocket and slid out the iPhone.
After a few pushes and dials, I neared the phone to my ear.
There comes a sound indicating the call's reaching an International fee or something. I waited patiently, drumming my polished fingers on the marble counter.
"Hello?" A very familiar voice said from the other line. I can't help but smile because of it.
"Hi Justin! Oh my Gosh I'm so surprised. Thanks by the way, for all that you've done!" I suddenly forgot about him not keeping his promise. I don't mind that now, I'm already beyond happy by what he has done.
"I'm glad you love it! And I'm so sorry about earlier," He paused for a while. I could hear his sincerity in his voice. I can sense him grinning through the phone. Yeah, ridiculous I know. "And about that.... I have something I have to tell you.." He continued slowly but surely, causing curiosity to fill in.
"What is it? Something to do with Scooter?" I ask. Since Scooter interrupted our call earlier. I shifted on the counter, trying to find another comfortable position.
"Yeah, but it mostly involves me actually! Wait for it..." He paused again. I merely knit my eyebrows together, a little confused. "I'M GONNA HAVE A WORLD TOUR!" Justin yelled excitedly to the phone.
What?! Are you fucking serious about this? Oh my Gosh, what a nice surprise for an already surprising evening.
Just, wow.
I can't believe what I said to Justin earlier today is actually gonna happen.
Ha! Could I really predict something that's gonna happen? Whew. Wait, I'm going nuts.
"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I exclaimed loudly, practically screaming to the phone. I jumped off of the kitchen counter, too excited to sit anymore.
"Yes, I'm serious about this Claire. No pranks and all that alright." He chuckled a little. I walk to the fridge and open it, picking up a half-full bottle of apple juice.
"Wait, YOU'RE having a world tour! You just have to come to Indonesia! Ahh, I'm so happy for you!" I can't help but squeeled excitedly.
I mean, this is your best friend, and he's going to have a world tour. That's just plain insane, right?
"I'm not sure about that, but I wanna go there so badly y'know. I'm sure Scooter could fill the country in. We didn't have the dates and places yet anyway Claire. So you just wait okay?" I paced back and front with the apple juice in hand, trying to keep my excitement out of control.
"Well, tell me later if you and Scooter have figured it out or something," I paused for a while. "I miss you, Justin. I hope I'm there you know. Sharing the excitement with you. Rather than being here practically bored out of my mind thinking about your upcoming tour you just told me.."
"I miss you to Claire.. Lots. I mean it. Its been a long time, eh? Hmm.. Probably more than 3 months apart from you could make me die out of missing your presence.." I laughed out loud at that. "Haha, oh my Gosh, where the hell did that come from?" I can hear him chuckled slightly.
"Maybe... Just maybe, I could come to Stratford.. Umm, you know.. Kinda like a vacation or something? I'm on a school break anyway. Its not gonna be a big deal.."
"My my.. You can do that? I missed you too much, Claire! Will you come here? Pretty please.. Y'know it gets a tad boring just playing with Chaz and Ryan.." I know that's totally impossible to feel bored around Chaz and Ryan.. Especially Chaz, since he's a clumsy boy and also a total dick-head.
"You're definitely lying, Justin! You'd never get bored around Chaz and Ryan. That's like, absolutely, without no doubt, impossible!" I can feel him smirking now..
"Haha. You must miss them lots, huh? Who do you miss more? Me or them?!" He demand me to answer. I just shuffled a little as I pulled the stool from under the kitchen island.
"No, I miss you guys a whole lot, yes. But equally," I smirk slightly at that.
"Ahh, now you're lying! I could tell from that smirk of yours that I just heard, that YOU MISSED ME MORE THAN THOSE TWO! Aha, beat that gurl!"
"Now, now. I so don't want to have a so-called argument through the phone with you. So I'm just gonna have to say..." I pause a while, before continuing. "Yes, I missed you more than ever, more than them, more than anything. And that, I'm not lying."
Yes I do miss Justin more than ever.. I miss having long talks on his couch. I miss our stupid arguments and snide remarks to each other. I miss his hugs, his warm body heat when he hugs me. I miss his amazing hair. Yeah I miss him.. Very much.
"Now that's what I'm talking about! Ha!" He paused, laughing a little. "But yeah.. I miss you more than I've ever miss anybody in my life.."
"You do?" I asked, a little curious about it. Justin rarely 'confess' his true feelings like this. He would probably answer with another annoying reply.
But I guess I'm wrong.
'Cause what he said, surprised me. A lot.
"Yeah, I do. And I am not joking. I miss talking and laughing with you. I miss every single thing about you. I love you, Claire. And that's saying a lot."
I'm totally dazed. And also shocked. Really shocked.
I never thought that something like this, could actually come from my prankster friend's mouth.
Oh. My. Gosh.
"Did you mean that as.. Umm, the friends way, or.." I kept the question hanging between us, cause I have no idea for words. Practically. Almost... Speechless.
"No. I mean that in a way as, umm.. More than f-friends, y'know.. Umm.. I can't help it, uhh.. Thinking back to the days when we were a thing you know. And I guess, I love you the way, uhh.. Couples do.."
What?! He rarely stumbles on his words like that..
And.. Um, maybe I too have a little bit more than friends feelings for him.
"Wow. You're not kidding me right?"
"No I'm being totally honest with you on this one. I promise not a joke or prank involved." I could sense him smiling from the way he spoke to me. I can't help but smile too.
I could feel a warm heat cascading through my whole body, from the butterflies fluttering uncontrollably in my stomach.
"'Cause you know what.. Uh.. I'm feeling the same way too.." I said it a little too quietly. I'm not even sure if he heard me.
I shuffled a little against the wooden stool.
A very long too-awkward silence fills in the moment through the phone.
Suddenly he broke the silence.
"You do?" A tone of surprise in his raspy voice.
"Yeahh... You know, I couldn't help thinking back on the way we used to be," I said, putting an emphasis in the word 'used'. "Haha, remember when we were sitting below the big apple tree near my old house, and then some apples drops from the tree branches? That was absolutely hilarious!"
And then Justin and I broke into loud fits of laughter.
"Oh my gosh! Yes I remember that!"
We broke into another fits of laughter. I can't help but clasp my hand around my stomach. Its aching a little from the undying laughter.
Finally, our laughter cools down. I decided to speak up first
"Umm, you know.. Maybe I could ask for my parents' permission to have a vacation in Stratford. I'm sure they won't mind. I could sleep over at your house or something, haha!"
"I'm sure you could. I hope you'll come here Claire, if not I'm gonna explode and my lava's gonna eat you alive! Okay never mind that. I'm such a nerd," He laughed out loud. I can't help but laugh along.
"Okay.. Well, I think I have to go. Its pretty late here. Let's see," I looked up to see the digital clock on the wall. Its red numbers flashing bright to my eyes. 10.58. "Its almost 11 pm. Its nice talking to you, Justin!"
"Yeah, well.. I'll miss you Claire!"
"I'll miss you too.. Bye, love you."
"Love you too.." And by that, I clicked the red end call button.
I sighed, opening the cap of the apple juice bottle. I lifted the bottle up to my eye's level. I smiled a little, realizing for the first real time, that I do love him.
I love Justin.
"So.. How about the teachers at Osbone? Are they nice?" Chris asked me, reaching for my hand. He clasped his fingers around mine while we were somehow, walking in the town park near the school. It sends me butterflies.
"They're nice and fun. Usually, some of them have games for us to play. And believe me, its not boring at all. Its fun actually. Or they'd let us chat while taking notes. They're pretty nice.."
"Oh really? That's good then," he chuckled. I gave out a small giggle. We swing our arms back and forth in pleasant silence, still walking along the garden's small stony path. Suddenly Chris stopped in his tracks, merely noticing me that has bumped into him, half-walking, half-stopping. I looked at him. He tensed a little.
"What's wrong?" I asked him. I didn't get why he would stop in the middle of his track like this. He barely looks at me. But he answered..
"I'm sorry, but I need to talk to you." He shrug his shoulder downwards. I gave him a funny look, clearly confused. He's still looking down to the ground.
"Umm... I may have f-feelings for you.." He's still avoiding my gaze. Clearly from the look on his face, he is pretty nervous. He rarely stutter with his own words. That's new..
I could barely think of an answer. I just keep staring and staring at him intently. He never broke his 'eye-contact' from the ground.
But just then, he looks up at me with his mesmerizing caribbean blue eyes. I just returned his gaze, looking at him in the eye.
"I like you, Claire. I do. And I've been so afraid this whole time y'know. I've been thinking about you everyday, every minute..."
I couldn't mutter an even simple reply. I couldn't... No. I don't have the merest courage to answer him.
"Claire.. I know this is sudden, but I'm not gonna rush okay. We can still be just friends. I just want to admit that to you. I'm not proposing or anything you know.."
"Yeah I know.. Well I have feelings for you too, but, uh.. I'm not sure yet of what it is. I'm sorry."
"No that's totally okay. You don't have to feel the same way to me."
"No, I do like you. Its just, I'm still confused.." I shrugged a little.
"You don't have to answer now. You don't even have to answer, anyway. I just wanted to admit that to you. I'm not hoping high for you to reply my feelings and feel the same way. I'm just-"
I don't know what surge through me, but I leaned my head closer to him. And I can feel my lips touching with his.
"How could you do this to me. I thought you loved me.."
I gasped, breaking away from Chris.
It was Justin. I heard his voice in my head..
I opened my eyes with shock. Sending shivers down my spine.
Its all just a dream.. Its only a dream..
I can't help replaying the dream over and over in my head. It seems... Surreal.
What if my dream will came true? Of course its not really a typical nightmare. But for me, its really scary. Hearing my best friend's voice in my head is already creepy enough. Even in dreams.
Gosh, I'm totally having a dilemma over some unrealistic dream. Usually, I always have a logic explanation about this things. But this time... I don't.
I have to tell Trina about all of this. I absolutely need to tell her.
Well maybe..
I need a girl's day out.
"So you're not really certain of how you feel towards him, and also my cousin huh? Its kinda like the love triangles in movies, you know.." Trina chuckled by what she's saying. I just shrugged a little, uncomfortably.
I called Trina this morning, saying that I need a day out with her. Its been a pretty long time not having a Trina-Claire day. We usually just hang out at her house or my house. But today, we're going to a nearby mall. Trina said she need to buy a dress or something, and she needs me to tag along. So this could be the 'golden chance' to talk to her. Since she has been pretty busy dealing with the Chris-moving-to-Jakarta issue.
"Well.. Yeah, I'm still not certain about my feelings you know.." I shrugged my shoulders down. "I'm confused about all this. Maybe, time will tell.. Soon enough I hope,"
"Yeah, well I hope so. I have no right to deal with this. Y'know I'm just barging in because you told me all this alright. I'm not gonna take sides, even though Chris is my own cousin. You have the right to choose.."
"Aww.. Thanks a lot Trina!" I hugged her really tightly. She really is the best best friend ever..
Well, other than Megan of course.
See, the thing is, Megan and I never really lost contact between each other. We still talk a few times, but not as much as before. We're drifting apart. And it just happens naturally, without neither of us wanting it to happen.
I would love to have both Trina and Megan as my best friends. Sadly, we live in 'different worlds'.
So Trina and I, talked a lot. From store to store, we'd never stop talking, or commenting about this dress and that shoes or that handbag over there, and so on.
Trina suddenly stopped talking in the middle of our walk. She widen her eyes in shock, looking out through the store's glass display window. I look at her. Her eyes are practically bulging out of their sockets.
I turned the way she's looking and my mouth opened instantly. I felt my stomach drop at lightning speed. I'm absolutely speechless. I can't even comprehend what's really happening right now.
I saw Chris and Ashley Lewis, one of the losers in Osbone High, kissing.
I mean, seriously? How the hell did Chris know her? And why is HE kissing HER? She's an absolute outsider in our school. Her hair is the color of brownish black, and its very very curly. Very ugly indeed. And then she has a bad case of acne and freckles. Plus her fashion sense is just totally out. She wore green jacket with a red t-shirt once. Talk about color clashing! And anyway she doesn't even have a close friend.. Except for one girl named Ella or something.
Ugh. Why is Chris kissing Ashley? And how did he know her like that?
"Why in the world is that loser stucking her tongue in my cousin's throat?!" Trina said with a loud remark. Her face full of disgust and shock. Her eyes practically not blinking.
"I have no idea." I said slowly. Chris and Ashley? Kissing? Get out.
This already feels like the end of the world.. I actually felt the way people described it in movies:
My world is crashing down, well that kind of thing.
I felt pain surging through my whole body from my heart. Pain and something like anger.. or should I say... Jealously. I felt like I'm the one who should kiss him.
Oh God, what's wrong with me.
"Come on let's go over to them." I said casually, trying hard not to show my anger. Normally, my face would turn red at times like this.
Chris and Ashley.
Chris and Ashley.
God, dammit stop it already.
We got out of the store and walked over to them. A smirk formed on Trina's face. As Trina got closer to them, I just stand behind and watch from a close distance.
Trina merely gave a fake cough. Hearing a sound interrupting THEM, Chris and Ashley broke apart from their little make-out session.
"Chris, what the hell are you doing kissing this dirt over here?" Whew that was harsh and a little bit mean. Okay not a little, scratch that. It was so mean.
Chris's face turns from expressionless to disgust, while looking at Ashley, and shock when he realized I was there. He stare at me for a long time.
"Oh Gosh. I have no idea! This girl over here just came up to me while I was walking, and kissed me right here. I swear!" Chris paused awhile, waiting for one of us to give a comment. But we both, Trina and I, stayed silent. Trina just shrugged and crossed her arms. Whilst I only scratch my head, avoiding Chris's gaze.
"Please guys! I don't even know her!"
Trina raised an eyebrow at his sentence. Uhm, okay I could say that Chris sounded truthful.
After a long silence, finally Trina stepped forward to face Ashley. "Well? Do you have any explanations?"
She didn't answer the question, as she did the stupidest thing a person could think of.
"Uhmm... So,"
I still couldn't comprehend what was happening in front of my eyes a few moments ago. It was like every air you're about to breath is gone, like hyper-ventilating.
And here I am, in his room. The awkward tension lies in-between us. Hugging every corner of the room.
I just play with the strands of my hair, not bothering to look up at Chris's sorry face.
I want to look at him so badly. I want to stare into those mesmerizing caribbean blue eyes. But, I just couldn't. Yes, I know this isn't really his fault.. At all. But still. He kissed her back. And to top it all off, I saw it right before my eyes.
The image of them still play continously on my mind.
Well, I think its better to know this by myself then from another person. Like a friend of mine or something.
Still. I couldn't face him. I can't look at him and not feel hurt.
"I'm sorry, Claire. I didn't mean that. I'm really sorry.." I heard him gave a sigh. "Please believe me. I wish I could take it all back. I don't even know what she's doing coming up to me and kissing me like that."
"No its okay, really. It's not even your fault,"
"But I-"
"No, don't bother okay. That kiss certainly doesn't mean anything, since you kissed her back."
That was kind of mean. But it's the truth. I feel like I'm being such a bitch right now. Gosh.
I look up slowly, boring my eyes into his. Realization struck me. What am I doing? I'm not even certain that what we have, what Chris and I have, is real.
We never made it official.
So why am I acting like this? Jealous? Yes of course. But I'm not even his girlfriend.
"Claire, please.. I'm really sorry,"
"You know what, just stop it. All of this is just non-sense. I don't understand what we have. What's up with us? I don't think that you do either. We've never been that serious anyway," I shrug slightly, the anger creeping through. "This is what I've always been afraid of. What do we even have, Chris? What is it that we have? What's going on between the two of us?"
Chris shook his head, speechless. I know that both of us didn't understand what we both have towards each other. Maybe its just some unexpected chemistry or something. I mean, I've only met him a few days ago!
"I just.." I paused to regain my composure. This is very emotional, indeed. "I don't think that this could continue, okay. It's over, whatever we have."
I look at his face, his expression solemn. I can't take it anymore. Tears seems to form behind my eyes. I blink a few times, nervously, to hold it all in.
"Goodbye." I said, reaching for the door handle. But his hands stop me by the shoulder.
"Claire.." I stopped in my tracks, my back still facing him. I couldn't possibly turn to face him without crying. Pathetic, I know.
"Look, I know you don't want this to continue. But I do. Well I'm not sure either what we have here between us. But I, so badly, want it to last. And you can't stop me, okay? I have legit feelings for you. Even though we just met like 3 days ago, well you know what? I don't care. I don't fucking care, 'cause what matters right here, right now, is me and you. Not even what happens between me and that girl at the mall, could stop me from having this attraction towards you." He paused, sighing. At times like this, I couldn't resist to feel some kind of liking towards those thick australian accent. "So could you at least, forgive me for what I did? It's the least you could do for me. Please?"
I couldn't hold it in anymore. I turn to face him, and run to his open arms. I know this sounds a lot like what you see in movies and all that fluffy romance stuff. But well, what matters is, I felt safe with his arms around me. Protecting me. Silent tears, trickle down my cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe it off my face. I could taste the salty tears on the corner of my mouth.
But I don't care.
Because what matters most is that you have someone to hold on to. Someone who cares. Someone who's willing to stay by your side.
Even though, we're not even certain what we have. All that matters is now. The moment that is happening.
And being with someone who loves you, is the best feeling you could have experienced.
sorry for the long wait and spelling mistakes if there's any. so so sorry. this took me so long. actually i've finished this chapter a long time ago, but since i have it in my blackberry, i kinda postponed to send it to my e-mail for awhile. anyways, sorry again and wait for the next part. MUCHLOVEE!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Secret
Book #1: The Name of This Book Is: Secret
So the first book, unveils the story of the meeting between soon-to-be best friends and each other's first friend, Cassandra, Cass for short, and Max-Ernest (yes he has two names, because his parents can't choose inbetween). The name Cass and Max-Ernest is not their real names (according to the beloved author of this book). Cass has long pointy unforgettable ears, and Max-Ernest is an average looking boy with too many allergies a person could handle (but well he could, but that's not really the point). Anyway, these two best friends begin an unmistakably remarkable adventure on finding The Secret, saving a friend from danger, discovering an evil organization and the organization that would bring their lives to more danger, and finding a secret society called The Terces Society.
Book #2: If You're Reading This It's Too Late
The second book told the story of Cass and Max-Ernest taking a long journey to find their biggest enemy's (that's Lord Pharaoh to y'all) own creature, a homunculus. Really, you won't understand a word i am saying if you haven't read the book yet. so you have to! anyway, they went through a long journey to find Mr. Cabbage Face (yes that's the name of the homunculus). It involves a new friend (and also a member of the Terces society, although they didn't know it yet) that's moved back from Japan, Yo-Yoji, more stories about the ancient Lord Pharaoh and his grave, more on the evil organization the Midnight Sun, and so on.
Book #3: This Book Is Not Good For You
The third book in the peculiar series is all about CHOCOLATE! yes of course, the author's personal favorite. Cass's mother is kidnapped by a chocolate monsieur (also a chef as a cover to his true identity) and she needs to find her. With the help of her friends Max-Ernest and Yo-Yoji, the 3 friends successfully located where the evildoers and Cass's mother are. Involves a long thrilling ride through a big zoo, mocachins (the white monkeys you probably have not seen) and chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. Also more on the secret and Cass's ancestors.
Book #4: This Isn't What It looks Like
the fourth utterly un-exciting book reveals on Cass's time travel to the past of her ancestor, descendant of the royal renaissance jester. her uneventful meeting with Lord Pharoh himself, in ghost form and real form (whilst she's the ghost when she meets lord pharaoh in real form), how those evil green eyes startled her at first sight. Her encounter with a seer named Cassandra/Clara. Her talks with The Jester and his soon-to-be wife. a chocolate that brought disasters. a lodestone. magnets. a double monocle.
Meanwhile Cass's frist ever friend, Max-Ernest, is having trouble with his parents, who's expecting his baby brother (and soon to be called, Paul-Clay, or PC). His encounter with Benjamin Blake THE FRIEND, that he and cass saved in the first book. Mind-reading, Mind-reading objects, and mind-readers. Dealing with Cass's 2 weeks coma (while she travels to the past). The discovery of the many allergies that he didn't have in the first place, one of the allergy to chocolate, which now made him a chocolate-addict, like our fellow little friend, the author of this book. And the comeback of Yo-Yoji after a month-long trip back to Japan.
All in all, in the end, lord pharaoh, the jester, an old trunk that has traveled the world for 500 years, a tragic end to a Renaissance Fair, a school secretary in disguise, and all that you have to read in the fourth book of this outrageous series.
and coming soon on September 20, 2011:
Book #5: You Have To Stop This
i don't know how the story goes on the fifth book yet, but well, i've read a few chapters. click here if you want to.
also, click here to know more about THE SECRETS SERIES, and its un-anonymous author :)
and the Hatchette books website, little brown company. the publishing house that has made THE SECRET SERIES known to humans alike. click here for more of THE SECRETS SERIES, and other titles published by Hatchette book group
that;s all from me, today. i'll write more book reviews soon, alright. you just wait!
P.S. the next post is -hopefully- my Bieber Love Story: As Long As You're With Me, part 3.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
a brief history of ballet (indonesian)
I. Perkembangan Ballet di Italia
Ballet dimulai pada masa kerajaan Renaissance Italia sebagai hasil arak-arakan istana, di mana pernikahan aristokrat merupakan perayaan yang mewah. Para musisi dan penari istana berkolaborasi untuk memberikan hiburan yang rumit dan indah untuk mereka. Ballet semakin dibentuk sengan adanya the French ballet de cour, yang terdiri dari tarian-tarian pergaulan yang dilakukan oleh kaum bangsawan juga dilengkapi dengan musik, pidato, kostum, dekorasi, dan kontes.
Seorang aristokrat Italia, bernama Catherine de 'Medici yang menaruh minat di bidang seni, menikah dengan pewaris mahkota Perancis, Henry II pada tahun 1547. Ia memperkenalkan ballet di Perancis serta memberi dukungan keuangan. Hiburan ini mendukung tujuan politik kerajaan dan biasanya diselenggarakan dengan tema berbau mitologis (mythological).
Ballet Renaissance masih jauh dengan bentuk pertunjukan/hiburan yang diketahui masyarakat saat ini. Sepatu ballet dan pointe work belum digunakan. Koreografi tarian diadaptasi dari tarian-tarian kerajaan. Para penari menggunakan busana yang populer pada masa itu. Bagi penari perempuan, itu berarti mengenakan gaun formal yang panjangnya sampai ke mata kaki. Ballet dahulu merupaka partisipatif, artinya penonton akan bergabung di dalam tarian menjelang akhir pertunjukan.
Ballet yang pertama kali dipentaskan adalah Ballet Comique de la Reine, pada tahun 1581 yang dikoreografi dan diarahkan oleh Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx dan merupakan sebuah ballet comique atau ballet drama. Ballet ini dipentaskan di istana Perancis oleh 24 penari dan berlangsung selama kira-kira 5 jam. Di tahun yang sama, publikasi untuk Fabritio Caroso's Il Ballarino, manual teknis tarian kerajaan, membantu menjadikan Italia sebagai pusat pengembangan teknis Ballet.
II. Perkembangan Ballet di Perancis
Ballet di Perancis, dikenalkan oleh Catherine de Medici, seorang bangsawan Italia yang menikah dengan pewaris takhta kerajaan, Henry II. Pada saat itu, ballet merupakan gabungan dari tarian, nyanyian, serta acting.
King Louis XIV, anak dari pasangan Catherine-Henry, sangat menyukai tari-menari. Pierre Beauchamp, pria yang membuat 5 posisi pada tangan dan kaki yang telah dikenal sekarang, merupakan guru tari privat Louis XIV. Kemudian pada tahun 1661, King Louis XIV, mendirikan the Académie Royale de Danse (sekarang Royal Academy of Dancing/RAD) dengan Pierre Beauchamp sebagai school director dari tahun 1689-1687.
Rok-rok panjang dan longgar dipakai oleh para penari kerajaan, sampai tahun 1720-an saat Marie-Anne Camargo, ballerina besar pertama, memendekkan roknya dan menunjukkan mata kakinya. Dia juga memprakarsai gerakan à terre dan mengembangkan menari en l’air.
Pada abad ke 18, terjadi perkembangan besar dalam tekhnik ballet dan tariannya. Secara bertahap, ballet tidak tergabung lagi dengan opera. Muncul berbagai bentuk seni di dalam ballet itu sendiri.
The romantic era of ballet, identic with long and flowing skirts just above the ankle. no tutus are yet have been made at the time.
Odile (the black swan) and Prince Seyfried in Swan Lake
Odette (the white swan) and the swan lake corps the ballet (that means, a group of female dancer dancing the same choreography)
Oh my Gosh.......
-Salsabila Andriana-
p.s.: please don't copy-paste my work. i worked hard on this. its supposed to be a clipping for my ballet theory class. no copy-pasting, k?
Friday, August 19, 2011
KALAM 2011
Kalam tahun 2011, buat angkatan 11 labsky ini super enak. mereka gak nginep, gak bangun sahur kayak kalam2 sebelumnya. disini mereka cuma disuruh ngafalin surat2 dan dengerin materi. Gw kan jadi mentor, kelompok 9, nah disitu ada adek kelas gw nadhira hehoo. satu kelompok itu isinya bisa sampe 13 orang. terus kelompok ceweknya ada 12, cowoknya cuma 8. kalam ini dilaksanakan selama 3 hari.
sebelum kalamnya mulai, gw dan anak2 kelompok 9 ada mentoring gitu, bikin nametag etc. terus abis itu besoknya baru mulai kalam. nah kita yang mentor ngeliatin perilaku anak2nya terus dinilai gitu. abis itu nilai hafalan surat2 sama doa mereka juga (itu pas waktu menotring). terus hari pertama kalo gasalah ada 2/3 materi gitu. ohya hari pertama itu gak puasa, tapi besoknya iya. makanannya enak loh. hehe.
terus hari kedua, disini peserta kalam, pada puasa gitu. tapi gw nggak soalnya lagi halangan. ohya kan kalo halangan ada keput, nah pas hari kedua ini, kita pas keput sambil makan kfc gitu.. hoho. trs ada juga keput yang kita sama anak2nya aja. gak sama guru yang di plaza itu. kita nanya2in yang menurut mereka ganteng di dasa siapa gitu2 deh. trs banyak yang jawab vido dan........ALE HAHAHA. sampe detik ini maish suasah percaya kalo banyak yang ngefans sama atasan gw si tukang jb, alessandro syafei rashid. plisbanget, ge gangerti mereka bilang si tuyul (ini bukan gw yg nyiptain) ganteng dr mana-_- lanjut~ hari kedua ini materinya ada 2/3 juga.. ha gw lupa. terus hari ini yang halangan gak dapet snack, jadi kita nahan laper dr pagi :(
hari ketigaa... hari terakhir yeheyy, mentoring terakhir juga. trs hari ini gak puasa. ensak banget ya mereka, pas kita udah nginep puasa pula T_T. eh tapi gw gak puasa soalnya halangan+sakit. #reminiscence. ohya si nadhira udah selesai semua hafalan di hari pertama coba, gilakann. yaudah gw ajuin aja namanya jadi peserta terbaik. terus yg calon2 peserta terbaik dites lagi tuh sama guru2 (ini gak kayak tahun lalu). terus yang lainnya dengerin materi di hall masjid (ini super boring). abs itu semuanya balik ke aula lt. 4, trs apel penutupan. surprise surprise.... NADHIRA JADI PESERTA TERBAIK!! gw seneng banget ya allah, anak kalam gw jadi peserta terbaikk.. oke mau nangis bahagia tapi gabisa. okedeh selesai.
SEKIAN maaf terlalu singkat etcetc.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Crazy Little Thing called Love (aka First Love) Trailer High Quality
Ya, gw tau gw udah pernah ngepost ini sebelumnya, tapi gw emang terlalu cinta sama film ini. hoho makanya gw post lagi deh. Selain itu, bgi yg belom nonton bisa baca sinopsinya aja yakk!-_- here goes..
Crazy Little Thing Called Love is a Thai movie about a little not so beautiful girl having a deep crush to the campus hearthrob. She changes her looks, her attitude, study harder, and all that, just for this guy.. See all the hardships and challenges that she did in order to make the one she wanted, loves her back. With the help of her 3 best friends would she succeed? What about her father that's still working in the US? Watch this movie to find out
Okayy, kalian semua wajib menonton. masa gw nontonnya pagi-pagi pas abis sahur tanggal 9-8-2011. Terus kan akhir2nya sedih tuhh, jadi gw nangis parah sampe ngabisin sebox tissue (haha lebee). ya gak sebox juga sih, tapi lumayan lah. oke #maafcurcol gapenting. karena kalian udah ngebaca ini gw mau kasih hadiah!! HOHO (pdhlkalianblmtentubacagitu....)
see ya later guys, enjoy the movie
gw tau gw terlalu baik ngasih linknya ke kalian.
bagi yang udah nonton, pasti merasakan penderitaan gw HAHA.
betapa ending filmnya bikin terharu sedih etc.
ayo cepetan click linknya drpd penasaran!!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Lalinju 2011
Hai! Sekarang mau cerita tentang Lalinju 2011, yaitu pelantikan OSIS/MPK Dasakasatriya Handha Prakasa. Mulai dari runtutan aktifitas, mulai pagi sampe selesai yak. hoho
Tanggal 24 bulan Juli tahun 2011, kami CAPSIS dan CAPMPK kumpul di wisma menpora kira-kira jam 4 gitu, dengan tongkat masing-masing tentunyaa. yang CAPSIS pake baju dan training OL, terus yang CAPMPK-nya pake baju loreng dan training OL (kecuali capmpk kelas 7, krn mereka gak ikut OL-_-). Terus kakak-kakak nakra, menyusul pake tronton. Jadi, kakak2 nginep di sekolah dulu gitu. Terus di menpora-nya kita sholat shubuh berjamaah dulu. Abis itu, sekitar jam 4.30-an gitu, kami mulai pemanasan deh. Pemanasannya dipimpin oleh pelatih kami, bapak marinir. Abis pemanasan, kami mulai lari deh.
Pertama jalan, itu CAPMPK, terus di susul sama kakak2 MPK-nya. Terus lanjut CAPSIS mulai lari, terus disusul sama kakak2 OSISnya. Pas lari, kami pastinya capek. tapi gatau kenapa beda banget sama kalo pas lari pagi gitu. mungkin karena semangat '45 yang menggebu-gebu kali yak. kan mau dilantik jadi harus semangat. pokoknya pas lari, kami tuh capek, keringetan......BANGET tapi rasanya beda gimana gitu lah ya. Terus ya kita lari, sambil nyanyi lagu2 karisma dan labschool gitu. Jadi dari menpora, muterin dulu tuh ke jalan raya yg taman ria, yah itulah. terus abis itu u-turn, belok kiri, ke jalan yang ada hotel mulia-nya, terus lurus, abis itu belok kiri lagi, ke arah PS. yohoo! saking ngos2annya (walopun gak terlalu capek.. hm ya rasanya gitulah, susah dijelaskan.), kita teriak2 "POS SATU, POS SATU" gatau itu siapa yang memelopori (mungkin capmpknya kali yak), ya pokoknya pada mulai teriak2 gitu, yaudah gw ikutan aja. haha. terus abis itu, kita juga bikin gerakan "aneh" HAHA. jadi kan kalo lari biasanya bilang "kiri, kiri, kiri-kanan-kiri" nah selesai ngomong itu, kami (CAPSIS) ngangkat tongkat terus bilang "HAA!" gitudeh. jadi kira-kira gini:
"Kiri, kiri, kiri-kanan-kiri..
Kiri, kiri, kiri-kanan-kiri..
Ya berulang-ulang gitudeh. terus abis itu, kita pun akhirnya sampe di pos satu, disana gw makan gula merah/jawa/aren. yak itu, terus dikasih pisang sama air putih juga. eh maksudnya air bening. ohya di pos satu ini, si ale di 'terigu'-in haha, dan gw pas sebelahnya... yah, derita baksos. yang ne-rigu-in itu kak andras. abis itu si alenya kyk agak marah gitu sih. tp gatau becanda apa engga. pokoknya abis istirahat, ngelurusin kaki, dll. akhirnya kita niat lari lagi. KALI INI MENUJU POS DUA! YEAYY.
yak lari lagi, lewatin hang tuah etc etc. terus abis itu nyampe di........samping gelanggang renang bulungan! yak disitu pos dua-nya. udah deket labschool loh! ya lumayan lah.. terus abis itu di pos dua, lumayan banyak kejadian. Disana, capsis dan capmpk-nya disiram sama senior maisng-masing. awalnya, gw tuh dicari2in ama senior baksos gw gitu. haha, gara2 gw duduknya dipinggir jadi gak keliatan. terus gw berdiri kan (gara2 kacamata gw lensa kanannya copot-_-) terus yaudah, akhirnya si ale ngeliat gw gitu, terus abis itu ngasih tau ke kak sahya, kak safira maulidina, kalo gw ada disitu. akhirnya gw disiram deh.... oleh air mineral nestle dan pocari sweat, betapa nikmat kelengketannya. haha blehh. terus abis disiram sama kak sahya dan kak safira, gw disiram sama kak sheila-_- gara2 gw anak orientasinya dia.. lanjut. abis itu para capmpk udah mulai lari tuh, kitanya masih duduk2 aja yaudah akhirnya agak ketinggalan gitudeh yang capsisnya agak kepisah gitu. tapi akhirnya bisa nyusul juga.
Begitu kita ngeliat RSPP, pada langsung teriak "RSPP WOYY!!! DIKIT LAGI!!" pokoknya heboh karena udah ngeliat rspp. ya, itu berarti udah sangaat deket dengan labschool.. Abos otu kita langsung nyebrangin pertigaan rspp-nya.. anak2 udah pada heboh teriak-teriak "dikit lagi woyy!", "semangaat!!", etc. begitu ngeliat circle k, gw udah mau nangis haha. maaf agak lebe tapi kenyataan. sumpah itu ada kakak2 #9, terus ada adek2 #11 sama ada angkatan 10!! terus mereka kayak tepuk tangan gitu menyambut kita.. terus pas udah mau belok masuk ke labsky, gw ngedenger ada yang manggil "ALSA" tapi gatau itu siapa, kyknya si alsya. oke gapenting
nah lanjut, abis itu kita selonjoran di corn block parkiran itu. tongkat berada di bahu, keringet bercucuran, tapi semangat yang pasti masih membara dalam hati. eaa. terus sama tante pomg, dikasih minuman2 DINGIN! yeayy. terus gw nyari2 jaja. mana tuh orang/ soalnya dia kan bawa kamera gw tuh. gw ngeliat2 sekitar, sambil ngomong sm temen2 disitu. terus abis itu muncul deh si jaja! yeay akhirnya kita bisa foto2. yippie. terus abis itu, gw ngedenger kakak2 nakra pada nangis, rasanya pengen ikutan nangis juga. terimakasih ya kakak2 telah membimbing kita selama ini! :")
terus tiba saatnya formasi. yang capmpk, dan kakak2 mpk, lari duluan. bikin formasi huruf "N" (seperti yg telah dijelaskan di post HAMINDUA). terus kalo yang mpk ada pedang poranya gitu. terus tiba saatnya formasi OSIS.
terus kita lari gitu deh, mata gw udah berkaca2 gitu huhuuu. terus lanjut muterin formasi huruf N dua kali, abis itu, tos sama senior dan bikin formasi 'Surat Keputusan'. Pas dibacain surat keputusan, yang nama panjang anak sama jabatannya. gw udah nangis.. tapi belom parah gitudeh. terus abis pembacaan SK, ada penyerahan jabatan dan panji2, serta tandatangan. ya kira2 itulah namanya. trs, penyerahan jabatannya itu dilambangkan dengan bendera merah putih, sama bendera OSIS. trs abs itu kak adit niup peluitnya, dan kita siap2 ke formasi diamond: formasi penyiraman.
Begitu peluit ketiga berbunyi, kita pun mulai lari, selang-seling antara senior gitu. terus bikin formasi diamond (yg sebenernya kalo diliat dr atas mungkin agak mirip bulet kali yak.) trs abis itu ya kira2 kita keliling 3x gitudeh. terus berdiri di hadapan senior masing2 gitu. abis itu kita turun dan dimulai penyiraman. pertama disiran air bunga mawar, abis itu dikasih tepung terigu sama kak dito. terus disiram sama kakak senior hastha (angkatan 8) yaitu kak arkan. trs abis disiram air bunga mawar dikasih tepung lagi. haha layaknya kue, para baksos menjadi lautan tepung terigu (cuma kiasan yak). terus abis itu pake jas!! :') gila gw udh setengah nangis setengah senyum gajelas gitu. terus abis itu, kak adit niup peluit, artinya kakak2 nakra mau last toss :'( kita pun para OSIS (aa udah osis...), balik kanan terus hormat gitu. gila air mata gw udah membanjir hahadaa. terus abis itu, ada confetti bertaburan dan kakak2 nakranya keluar dari areal tsb. terus giliran rifky yg niup peluit, kita pun siap2 hadap kiri, huha, labschool. terus lari bikin semacam pusaran gitu (haha bahasanya agak gaenak). trs abs itu kita first toss :') yang mpk juga gabung gitu. DASAKASATRIYA HANDHA PRAKASA! DASAA!!
sisa hari tersebut dilanjutkan dengan foto2 bersama dan mengobrol serta menangis bersama. my feelings: excited, psyched, happy, but also sad, scared, and nervous. perasaan bener2 campur aduk. Kami osis dan mpk, sekarang punya tanggung jawab yang diemban satu tahun kedepannya. insyaallah, semuanya berjalan lancar, amiin.
Terimakasih dan sekian dulu, maaf kalo banyak typo, kepanjangan, ribet, dll
sebenernya gausah dibaca jg gpp HAHA oke lanjut~
ohya mohon maaf lahir batin, sebentar lagi bulan suci ramadhan. maafin ya kalo pernah ada sala, kalo suka nyebelin, ngocol, bacot, dll. maafin ya, thanks :)
ps: next post.. KALAM 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
2 hari lagi Lalinju 2011. 2 hari lagi tanggal 24 Juli 2011
2 hari lagi, Pelantikan OSIS/MPK periode 2011-2012.
Hari itu, pada tanggal 22 Juli 2011, kami CAPSIS dan CAPMPK serta kakak-kakak osis & mpk nakra latihan formasi lalinju untuk yang terakhir kalinya.
Aku datang ke sekolah kira-kira pukul 5.30. mengenakan seragam yang telah ditentukan oleh ekskul dan tak lupa rompi hitam CAPSIS. Hari itu kami, capsis dan capmpk mengira, bahwa kita akan bergabung pada hari jum'at ini dengan teman-teman per ekskul. Kami sudah gembira sekali, mengira bahwa kami tidak akan latihan lari pagi, seperti hari-hari sebelumnya. Tapi, dugaan kami salah! Ternyata kami dikumpulkan di corn-block dan akan lari pagi! Sedangkan, teman-teman yang lain berkumpul di hall basket, kami melakukan pemanasan sendiri. Begitu selesai pemanasan, kami langsung mulai latihan larinya.
Lari kali ini, tidak seperti lari hari-hari sebelumnya. Rasa capeknya beda. Lari kali ini, kami lebih semangat! Lebih percaya diri. Tekad untuk melaksanakan "tugas" sudah mulai terbentuk di dalam diri kami masing-masing. Lari pagi itu, diiringi oleh nyanyian semangat yang dilontarkan anak-anak. Sesampainya di sekolah, kita langsung seri dan pendinginan.
Setelah itu, kami ganti baju merah-merah dan mulai latihan formasi. Formasi lari di lapangan kali ini apabila dilihat dari atas berbentuk huruf "N", dari huruf depan kata "Nakra". Kemudian yang capmpk, membentuk formasi pedang pora, sedangkan yang capsis menunggu di plaza. Saat kami latihan, di sebelah kiri lapangan, sebelah kanannya dipakai untuk formasi capsis sma.
Kemudian setelah selesai latihan formasi, kami istirahat selama kira-kira 30 menit. Lalu, para CAPSIS dikejutkan oleh fakta, bahwa kami harus belajar! Padahal kemarin, para guru seudah memberitahu bahwa kita tidak belajar hari itu. Akhirnya dengan pasrah, kami pun melangkah gontai ke kelas masing-masing. Saat itu, aku, aza, ardhisty, adrian, ara ada pelajaran TIK. Kita panik, karena pelajaran TIK ada Pekerjaan Rumah, sednagkan kita tidak membawanya. Ya sudah, kata Pak Hasyim kami harus membawa tugas tersebut keesokan harinya (yaitu hari sabtu tanggal 23, HAMINSATU). Itu juga sudah dikurangi nilainya, 10. Dengan pasrah, kita pun mengiyakan saja, dan mengikuti pelajaran TIK.
Setelah itu, bel berbunyi, menandakan waktunya sholat Jum'at untu yang muslim laki-laki. Sedangkan anak-anak muslim yang perempuan mengadakan keputrian. Kelas 7 ada share & Care di homebase mereka sedangkan kami, kelas 8 dan kakak2 kelas 9, ikut keputrian di plaza seperti biasa. Sebelum keputrian, aku dan Venia, pergi ke kamar mandi untuk melihat bendera angkatan paskib Penerus4. Tujuannya sih, agar teman-teman yang lain tidak melihat bendera tersebut. Akan jadi surprise buat mereka! Benderanya keren loh! Warnanya hijau kusam muda, dan Ungu tua. Bahannya mengkilat2 gitu. Lalu setelah melihat bendera tersebut, kami pun keluar dari kamar mandi dan duduk di plaza, mengikuti keputrian.
Selesai keputrian, murid-murid non-CAPSIS/CAPMPK kebanyakan pulang ke rumah. sedangkan para capsis dan capmpk menunggu di plaza, untuk latihan formasi yang selanjutnya. Para capmpk dan kakak2 mpk latihan formasi terlebih dahulu. kemudian tiba giliran capsis dan kakak2 osis. Kami berlari membentuk formasi huruf N, kemudian dilanjutkan dngan formasi baris 'Surat Keputusan' atau SK. Kemudian, dilanjutkan lagi dengan formasi diamond (yang sebenernya lebih seperti bulat, karena.. hmm ya gitudeh). Nah di formasi diamond ini, kita berlari mengelilingi setengah lapangan hijau tersebut, kemudian berdiri di hadapan senior masing2. Lalu, tutun sambil mengucapkan nama panjang dan jabatan di OSIS (note: formasi diamond tidak berlaku untuk MPK, hanya OSIS saja). Di tengah-tengah penyebutan jabatan, turun hujan rintik-rintik kemudian hujannya bertambah besar dan bertambah besar. Kami pun tetap semangat. Sambil menyanyikan lagu "Satria Labschool" versi orientasi lanjutan, mengetuk-ngetukkan tongkat ke tanah. Bagaikan semenandung syahdu penyemangat anak-anak.
"Wahai kawanku Satria Labschool
siang dan malam berlatih selalu
tiada panas nan terik
tiada malam nan gelap
hujan badai guntur kilat membelah bumi
namun hatiku selalu bernyanyi...."
Setelah selesai masing-masing posisi turun (terakhir Rian, sebagai PKS 3). Kami pun langsung bur-buru masuk ke areal sekolah, Plaza. Hujan terus bertambah deras, seakan tidak rela melepas "kepergian"/masa jabatan kakak-kakak nakra. Alam ikut menangis bersama. Suasana yang sangat mengharukan..
Kemudian, kami di-briefing tentang urutan acara Lalinju nanti. Mulai dari berangkat, formasi, sampai tos tongkat, dan lain-lain. Hujan masih bertambah deras. Kami semua duduk berbaris di dalam plaza. Rambut dan baju kami, hampir basah kuyup. Pelatih dari marinir (maaf ya pelatih, saya lupa namanya-_-), membuatkan yel-yel untuk kita:
"Siapa kita? DASA!
Siapa kita? DASA!
Sekolah kita? LABSCHOOL
Salam dasa!
Lalu... tiba saatnya pembagian kaos OL dan loreng! Sungguh tak sabar! satu persatu nama dipanggil. namaku tak dipanggil panggil juga. Tetapi akhirnya, namaku dipanggil -__- "Salsabila Malihah" aku langsung mendongak ke atas. Tibalah kaos hitam karisma di pangkuan-ku. betapa, pada saat itu, kami semua ingin membuka plastiknya dan mengintip ke dalam. Melihat lambang osis-mpk kami. melihat nama osis-mpk kami terpampang jelas di atas lambang tersebut.
Hujan mulai reda, tiba saatnya kami semua untuk pulang. Hari ini, merupakan salah satu hari yang paling berkesan.
Begitu sampai di rumah, aku langsung buru-buru membuka plastik baju Karisma tadi. Betapa terkesimanya aku (HAHA *EAA*). Sungguh gambar burung falcon yang gagah, serta nama OSIS-MPK angkatan 10 "DASAKASATRIYA HANDHA PRAKHASA" terpampang jelas disitu. Saking senangnya aku sampai memeluk baju itu berkali-kali...
haha maaf kalo pos ini terlalu puitis, aneh, terlalu panjang, ribet sana-sini, dan banyak curcol. okedaah. udah malem dan besok sekolah. post selanjutnya tentang lalinju. :")
Friday, July 22, 2011
Kelas 8E
Hai kawan-kawan! akhirnya sempet nulis blog juga. heho. akhir2 ini sibuk banget sih, walopun belom juga 2 minggu masuk sekolah.
Sekarang gw mau cerita aja tentang kelas baru gw yaitu... 8E!
Kelas ini seru dan komplit. Mulai dari yang kocak, yang pinter, yang pendiem, yang heboh, yang ganteng, yang cantik, dan lain-lain. Wali kelas 8E itu Bu Sari (guru sejarah) dan Bu Athiyah (guru baru Fisika). Tempat duduk kita diatur, cewek-cowok. Gw sama Jek loh! Haha.. maaf ya nafa, tidak bermaksud menyinggung -_- Di kelas 8E, yang dari Co7Dplay gak banyak, ada mirta, jaja, naila, faiz, ucup, nafa, dan veri. Pas awal-awal gw sempet takut, kalo kelas ini gak akan sekompak 7d, ato seseru 7d. tapi lama-kelamaan gw makin betah di kelas ini. Walopun emang kelasnya berisik banget. Ada Dhio, Rifaa, Ajijah, Jek, Hakim, Ucup, Ardhisty/Fira yang selalu bikin rame. Mulai dari shaut-sahutan sampe nyanyi2 bareng keras-keras pas pelajarannya Mr. Aji.
Oh iya, di kelas ini juga ada cowok2 ganteng loh! Haha, ini sih kata orang-orang ganteng ya.. Ada Vido a.k.a. Morgan Sm*sh, Fadhil 7A, sama Dino 7E. Terus di kelas ini, juga ada calon Bela Negara 1 OSIS loh! Cewek pula! Tak lain dan tak bukan adalah: Mutiara Reka! atau ara! dia kalo teriak suaranya kenceng banget loh T_T terus ada Ilana yang jago gambar. Dan yah, pokoknya banyak. Oh ya, ada Alsya juga loh! My English best friend, ohsalah-_- kita dikatain tourists sama Mirta, Nafa, Rifaa.. Haha, gara2 ngomongnya pake bahasa inggris._.
Ehm, di kelas ini juga ada seat-mate unyu loh! Yaitu: Rifaa dan Dhio! Sama-sama rame. Terus mereka sekelompok b. Indonesia (film) loh! Haha ya. mereka ada di kelompok gw!
Terus, anak 7D itu, paling banyak ada di kelas 8D sekarang. Ada 12 orang kali yak disitu. Terus ngeliat list namanya, anak2nya seru-seru. heho. Kelas yang lain juga sih. Ya insyaallah, nanti setiap kelas bakal bisa makin solid & kompak. Sama satu angkatan juga. Terus nanti OSIS/MPK-nya (walopun masih calon) juga makin kompak dan bagus.. amiin.
Yak, sekian dari saya. Udah disuruh tidur nih #curcolmalamhari.. daah!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Blog Background
Hey again! Haha b. indo aja ya, males-_-
Gw mau curcol, jadi tadi gw mau ganti background blog, dr yang ada di shabby blogs gitu. Terus, pas udah copy-paste HTML code-nya, gabisa disave!! aaaaa disaster! terus gasengaja ke-remove gitu bacground yang dulunya, jadi skrg gak ada backgroundnya.. cuma warna gitu T,T haha oke.
Terus mau cerita tentang hari ini juga. Tadi kan ada paskib, jadi ketemu teman2 7D :') kangen banget woy. terus tadi gw telat gitu jadi disuruh lari 3 puteran._. abs itu ada latihan upacara buat tgl 11 besok! gw jadi formasi, yang waktu itu gak kesampean gara2.. hmm ya gitulah. terus abis latian, gw ketemu rira! dia lagi beli buku paket sama ibunya. Terus tadi juga ada Pra-MOS SMA.
oke sekian, maaf kalo gapenting. gausah dibaca juga gapapa
Thursday, July 7, 2011
alsalsabila's photostream on flickr
alsalsabila's photostream on Flickr.
just opened my flickr, its been a long time since the last time :D